Cycle and Diet Comments for Cutting Please !

Hi all, okay I’m 19now and currently on week 8 of my 12week test cyp, eq cycle (500mg each p/w)
Recent added anavar 2weeks ago at 70mg ed
Im doing a switch to test prop as of tomorrow due to it being a shorter Easter.
I have started clen 2weeks on 2off building upto 140mcg ed

I’m planning on a 1month cut as have a photos shoot in 5weeks

As far as my stats stand …
5ft 11
14-15 percent bf
Age 19

I don’t really want any muscle loss but also have t3 here am thinking of running it for 4weeks straight at 25mcg

Diet is where I want you guys to help me with please …


2scoops diet protein


5egg whites , 200g beans and 70g oats


Can of tuna 120g with 200g sweet potato


250g raw weight of chicken with 200g sweet potato


250raw weight chicken

5 protein with 40g oats and banana


Post workout 2scoops all in in one protein and banana (totals 40g protein and 55g carbs and 3teaspoons organic peanut butter

Dinner … Steak , chicken, fish etc changes daily with mixed veggies

Pre-bed ON casein with creating

What’s you guys think ??? Want to get to 8-10 percent


Mon … Upper body strength (Heavy low reps
Tues… Lower body strength (Heavy low reps
Thurs… back and bis hypertrophy
Friday… Chest and tris hypertrophy
Sat … Legs and shoulders hypertrophy

Thinking 20 mins cardio light in the morning with 20 mins HIIT Eod after weights

All comments much appreciated :slight_smile:

Your diet looks pretty good, drop some carbs add veggies and fiber.

Your gonaa switch esters mid cycle?

I’d run thr t3 50mcd Ed for a month.

what is your cardio regemin like? ur diet looks pretty spot on maybe its just a matter of a tad more cardio to really get those last few pounds off. Best wishes on ur shoot!

[quote]Cron391 wrote:
Your diet looks pretty good, drop some carbs add veggies and fiber.

Your gonaa switch esters mid cycle?

I’d run thr t3 50mcd Ed for a month.[/quote]

Okay awesome thanks for that, as for switch esters yeah I am they say prop holds less water as well as this finishing with 4weeks prop I can start my pct 2days after the end of the cycle as opposed to 2weeks… For t3 do you think I will see muscle loss at that dose ?

[quote]jimbopv123 wrote:
what is your cardio regemin like? ur diet looks pretty spot on maybe its just a matter of a tad more cardio to really get those last few pounds off. Best wishes on ur shoot![/quote]

Cardio will be 20min light jog in the morning or can be boxing of 1min all out 1min rest x 5 done before breakfast

hIIT in the evening is switched between bike,treadmill or stair master 1min on 1min off full intensity x8 - 10 times

Thanks for the luck on the shoot, hopefully I can then compete :slight_smile:

that would be too many complex carbs for me… i have 1 piece of fruit upon wakening and the rest of my carbs are around workouts. i also seem to do better with a 1:1 of protein to fats…

More low intensity cardio(ramp it up) and more protein in general IMO.

Run the Clen for 5 straight weeks, 2 on 2 off will result in unpredictable water retention.

Throw in some diuretics, up your AI and a more DHT (high dose Anavar will work if you can afford it) for the last 2 weeks to dry you out further.


Are you taking any fish oil pills or anything? Theres like no fat in that diet except for the steak/fish for dinner…

[quote]ty_ty13 wrote:
that would be too many complex carbs for me… i have 1 piece of fruit upon wakening and the rest of my carbs are around workouts. i also seem to do better with a 1:1 of protein to fats…[/quote]

Thanks for this, obviously I should consider dropping them but just after a big bulking time I don’t want to go from one extreme to the next I will slowly drop the carbs lower and then I’ll carb cycle and see how that works

[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:
More low intensity cardio(ramp it up) and more protein in general IMO.

Run the Clen for 5 straight weeks, 2 on 2 off will result in unpredictable water retention.

Throw in some diuretics, up your AI and a more DHT (high dose Anavar will work if you can afford it) for the last 2 weeks to dry you out further.

-PTD [/quote]

Thanks for the help PTD, I will up the cardio as you said and protein intake which is good news in a way as it means I won’t be hungry.

As for clen dosing yeah that again great advice and will highly consider going thought with this, currently on 120mcg -140 top end stuff.

I’ll use the diuretic during the last week as otherwise ill just bee too low with water and dehydrate as we’ll as the clen it’s result in bad cramping with I’m battling with taurine and potassium however in the past without this I never ran it so just to be safe.

My AI I’m using 0.5arimidex EOD I can afford to up the var dose and so 80-100could be a better range intake it ? I’m also considering injectable winny to run to dry me out and add to the vascular look for the next 5weeks.

Thanks again

[quote]aspengc8 wrote:
Are you taking any fish oil pills or anything? Theres like no fat in that diet except for the steak/fish for dinner…[/quote]

Hiya, yes sorry I didn’t mention this I’ve got Udo’s ultimate oil blend as well as this I cook a few of my meals with a little olive oil, I switch my fish sources up to either salmon or mackerel too which will give me my omega fats.

Other supplementation consists or glucosamine sulphate, Multivitamin, zma as well as cycle assist by c.e.l just to keep my insides healthy whilst running an oral

What do you guys also think about adding vitamin b12 post cycle for the increased energy mainly so I don’t feel sluggish etc