Wanting to Add Tren Into Test E Cycle

Hey guys on my third cycle. Running test e e4d at 250. Going to run nolva and clomid for my pct.

Im wanting to add in a cc of tren e and drop the test to 125 e4d. Im going to taller the test down over two weeks and taper tren up over that as well. My big question is should I be running tren to the end of my cycle or stop it a few weeks out and finish with the test. And of corse my pct will be 2 weeks after last pin

Why are you running only 250mg of test e?

What are your stats

Stats please? PCT plan explained please? HCG use?? AI?? Yes you can stop tren 2 weeks before test if it’s tren e.

My stats.
Im in the gym working out 4+ a week full body routine. I have a well rounded diet and drinking my protein and takeing multi vitamin as well as creatine. Im 155 lbs and very lean very low bf%

Im running test right now e4d and have some tren comming my pct will look like this. Two weeks after last pin ov test i will start clomid 200mg + nolvadex 40mg. The following ten days will be clomid 50mg + nolvadex 20mg. Followed by clomid only for another ten days at 50mg. No hcg at all but will next cycle forsure. My guys i know are on all the time and done run any serm or ai at all. Or hcg at that fact. Im not comfortable with that.

How old are you?

Im 24. And id run test low for the reason both tren and test go for the same receptors as we all know tren is one of the strongest compounds and it will obvisly overpower the test. Therefor haveing test floating around converting to estrogens giving you estro side effects. Also the tren kills all test production therefor implementing small amount of test is very. I know my buddy likes tren only cycles yet its financial decision.

Right now my cycles at 7th week and im at 1.5 cc e4d nothing else including hcg, AI or serm
im by no means very educated but test changed my life it has alowed me to function beter from eating to physically in the gym. Also my sex life is great now. Befor its costed me relationships and one was with my childs mother. But all is well. becides the court battle iv delt with for 3+ years and have temp custody. That alone stresses me out to not eat and my test cycles changed that. I have never been able to keep on or put weight on even with working out with a good diet and protien. I have no problem cruising the rest ov my cycle at 1.5 e4d I want some input on what you think please.

[quote]CougarPride wrote:
How old are you? [/quote]

If im not mistaken ur 21 so ur profile says. Just able to drink in the states. Have you lived yet?

I wasnt trying to be a dick I was just asking how old you were. No reason to be sensitive, just answer the question. You gave very little information about your stats/past cycles and you come on here and just expect answers. The more information you give the more people on here will be able to help you. What do I know though, Im just 21…

Couger age had nothing to do with it to start. And you asked me what my stats were after u ask why im running so low test with the tren. Its for a reason and a good one. I want to experience tren without low test sides or high estrogen sides and I dont want to use a serm or ai during. By all means pleas elaborate on what stats you want as im new to forums.

Couger age had nothing to do with it to start. And you asked me what my stats were after u ask why im running so low test with the tren. Its for a reason and a good one. I want to experience tren without low test sides or high estrogen sides and I dont want to use a serm or ai during. By all means pleas elaborate on what stats you want as im new to forums.

Good luck

[quote]DaddyD wrote:
Im 24. And id run test low for the reason both tren and test go for the same receptors as we all know tren is one of the strongest compounds and it will obvisly overpower the test. Therefor haveing test floating around converting to estrogens giving you estro side effects. Also the tren kills all test production therefor implementing small amount of test is very. I know my buddy likes tren only cycles yet its financial decision.

Right now my cycles at 7th week and im at 1.5 cc e4d nothing else including hcg, AI or serm
im by no means very educated but test changed my life it has alowed me to function beter from eating to physically in the gym. Also my sex life is great now. Befor its costed me relationships and one was with my childs mother. But all is well. becides the court battle iv delt with for 3+ years and have temp custody. That alone stresses me out to not eat and my test cycles changed that. I have never been able to keep on or put weight on even with working out with a good diet and protien. I have no problem cruising the rest ov my cycle at 1.5 e4d I want some input on what you think please.[/quote]

Hi DaddyD. I personally run the tren up until the last Test Pin. It makes little difference in my opinion. The test tapers itself slightly also. Holding any gains is mainly gonna be dependent on you food and training afterwards. I’m 24, 6ft 220lbs 9% BF 7 years training started at 165lbs . There the stats most request to try and help. Height and weight and age lets people sum anybody up pretty quickly. What have your cycle gains been so far this cycle? I love tren but i run it with a equal dose of test P because I NO that I get bigger and leaner when i do.

If i was as small as you i’d keep the dose of Test the same and add 3 shots of tren a week. I no you don’t want to and if your that worried about Estro sides i’d run a A.I with it also. I personally don’t touch them unless I have itchy titts which aint often.

HOWEVER I don’t think anyone should touch gear unless they have trained for 5 years with the exception of people wanting to be competitive in junior nationals or have a low test. If they choose to regardless i will still give them my own opinion on what i think works and what i would do.

Train hard, Train Smart - Nakahhh PT

Thanks alot. I however do have low test due to the nature of methadone that im on to get off oxys from past injures. I have always been physical my whole life hocky 16 years, mountain biking. I use to life but had bad injuries that made me stop. I got back in the gym and felt good so I ran with it. Found a guy that could hook me up with a source and u did.

In all honestly he pushed me onto the tren. I wanted deca to help with joints and to bulk but he argued with me. I have no problems leaveing it out even ho I alredy ordered it. Iv gained 17 lbs on this cycle so far and im 2 months in. All your input is greatly appreciated

Tren is brilliant. I use it in almost every cycle, leans me out whilst i grow. Test/Deca is a staple for a bulk i believe. Most the big boys off seasons that is all they play with. If you natural test is shot stay on 1cc all year round with a 2-3 blasts each year. Thats if you want to grow. 750mg test e / 400mg Deca is a good start, kick off with dbols for few weeks also. But like i said, I stick tren in mine even if i was running them. Congrats on your gains thus far.

Nakahhh PT

Cheers man. Thanks for the input. Maby i will leave the tren out of this one. Save it for another date.