I posted a thread last week about a tri-blend of test/tren/mast but the sale ended before I could get my funding over to them and I missed out on the half price. The full price was more than I was willing to shell out for an entire cycle, so I decided to just run Test/Tren for 12 weeks and finish off with the tri-blend for the last 4.
1-12: 450 mg/week Test E (3x/week)
1-12: 300 mg/week Tren E (3x/week)
13-16: 250 mg/week Test P (daily)
13-16: 250 mg/week Tren A (daily)
13-16: 250 mg/week Mast P (daily)
1-16: 37.5 mg/week Aromasin (3x/week)
1-16: 750 iu/week HCG (3x/week)
No PCT since I am on TRT. Will just pick up with my TRT dose after the final week.
I’m not real crazy about running more test than tren, but the product is a blend of the two and that is the way their ratios worked out (300/200 mg/mL of each, respectively) so that’s what I’m going with. I didn’t have any of the nasty tren side effects last time running Tren A, so I’m hoping to avoid them this time as well with the Tren E.
Also realize the cycle is a bit long at 16 weeks, but there’s a good chance I will cut the 12 week period down to 8 before adding mast for the final 4. I don’t see the 16 weeks as an issue since suppression and recovery are not a concern. It will really depend on how motivated I am to continue on blast after the 8 week mark and how lean I am at that time.
Primary goal is loss of bodyfat while maintaining muscle mass and calories/cardio will be planned accordingly. Secondary goal will be slight strength increase, but that will be a function of my training–if it happens, great, otherwise I’m content with maintenance for 3-4 months.
Starting out at about 285 pounds and 16% bodyfat. Would really like to get into the 8-10% range this time around.
Starting the first week of January and will be logging periodically in here for anyone interested.
Feedback appreciated.