Hey guys,
I posted last week regarding my upcoming cutting phase. I’ll be starting with the fat fast and shifting to TDawg. I am going to be using HotRox
and am considering using Tribex and M do any of you think the Tribex and M would be worthwhile cycling during this phase or no?
While on FatFast, use 4-AD EC in combination with the HotRox. If you can afford it add Methoxy-7 too. I used this supp. scheme with FatFast and for training did 5x5. The fat melted off, almost hard to believe how much fat you’ll lose in a month doing that. As far as being on T-Dawg, you can skip the 4-AD if you want but stick with Methoxy; any additional supps. is up to you. Hope that helps.
Thanks Kid, what’s the thinking behind using Meth and 4-AD during fat loss phase. Is it maintaining/gaining lbm exclusively or do these aid in fat loss too?