Cutting Stack

Im thinking of cutting using forskolin and caffeine, I wanna leave yohimbine out because I don’t want to risk overstimulation (I’m mildly insomniac).
I though to take forskolin for 3 months at 50mg pure forskolin a day 2 tabs of 10% 250mg coleus forskholii and caffeine at 200 mg every morning.
I also thought to substitute my daily coffees( 1-3 espressos and 1-3 turkish coffees) with green tea and black tea, although i might keep 1-2 coffees a day for sheer love of the good smell of dark turkish coffee.
I think that forskolin and 1g magnesium before sleep will bump my already high (rocks being 18) levels and help my fat metabolism, while caffeine will kill my cravings and keep me focused.
so what do you think?
200 mg caffeine , 50 mg froskolin, 500 mg calcium, multivitamin,fish oil- in the morning
fish oil - after lunch
1g magnesium, fish oil, chromium-before sleep

plus a lot of green tea…

probably want to think more about your training and nutrition than your “stack”

You’re ‘mildly insomniac’ yet are still drinking up to six strong coffees a day and want to supplement MORE caffeine?

Also chromium can promote wakefulness after dosing immediately prior to sleep may not be a good idea.

The3Commandments gave the best possible advice here.

me nutrition and training is pretty good, been doing what commandments says for three years and a half, i have 18.2 inch arms, and pretty much am progressing, my genetics make it very difficult for me to lose fat, last time i cut i became like a zombie bcs i had to progressively cut carbs and calories, which is not the best, i have a relatively high bf homeostasis, nope i am not justifying myself, i eat very healthy and very low carb all year round , walk a lot and whatnot, now i moved the chromium in the morning, please critique my stack

You don’t have a ‘stack’, you have one supplement, forskolin, which has ONE study in obese men to validate its use as a fat burner. There is also no proven mechanism of action and no measurements of fat metabolism were reported.
Chromium is a mood supplement, it has no effect on fat burning.
Caffeine supplementation on top of a large caffeine intake when suffering insomnia is unwise.

Green tea contains EGCG which is thought to stimulate fat oxidation though again the evidence is limited.

than advise me please

ah, this is a troll. got it. The OP was pretty well-executed/subtle, but the subsequent responses were obvious.

[quote]The3Commandments wrote:
ah, this is a troll. got it. The OP was pretty well-executed/subtle, but the subsequent responses were obvious.[/quote]

Sadly, I don’t think so…

Are you in the US? Buy Primatene at a pharmacy, and use one of the tablets 2x a day with coffee, 4 hours apart.

Work up to 3 tablets if it doesn’t disturb your sleep.

Yohimbine in the AM will not keep you awake. Exercise, you will get tired and can then sleep. Simples

Ephedrine and caffeine - love these.

Others are meh

[quote]dannyrat wrote:
Yohimbine in the AM will not keep you awake. Exercise, you will get tired and can then sleep. Simples

Ephedrine and caffeine - love these.

Others are meh[/quote]

I can’t find ephedrine where I live, also for personal reasons I can’t buy it online. Yohimbine, isn’t it a mild MAOI? Would it interfere with SSRIs? Does it have any agonistic effect on the Beta-2 adrenogenic receptors, or is it only a alpha-2?

Also I seriously find it offensive that people, without knowing me, my training etc, based solely on my age, start judging me and do not advise me directly but start accusing me as a troll. Either way, I was looking at a product Biotest itself advertises as very effective ,forskolin.

Carbolin 19 actually is a more bioavailable form of forskolin (coloforsin 1,9 carbonate), two major studies found that pure forskolin promotes increases in testosterone and promotes lipolysis without cns stimulation by surpassing a step in the adrenogenic induced adipocyte release of fatty acids in the bloodstream.

Correct me if im wrong please.

The only study I am aware of is this one:

It used overweight men and the variance in results is huge. Also it was sponsored by Sabinsa, the company that holds the patent on ForsLean, a forskolin based supplement. Therefore I strongly question its validity.

If you know of another, please post a link.

Dude. Walgreens.

have a look at the links in the end of the for more studies.

Also and walgreens ships worldwide? and as I said I have difficulties in buying ephedrine online for personal reasons.