Cutting, Hows The Diet

i am 22 5’10 195 w/ about 15% body fat and i am trying to cut douwn to around 10%. i am trying to stay under 2000 calories a day. a typical day looks like this. Let me know that you think.

meal 1 7:15am
Calories/protine in grams

oatmeal 130/3g
Protine Shake (PS)220/33

workout 10:00am

meal 2 after workout
Protine Shake 220/33

meal 3 12:00
chicken brest 150/32
2 rice cakes 90/6
1 egg white 70/10

meal 4 3:00
protine shake 220/33
1-AD 4-AD

meal 5 5:30
chicken 150/32
whitr rice 220/6

meal 6 7:30
protine shake 220/33

meal 7 9:30
cottage cheese w fruit 275/20

Total Calories= 1965
Total Protine= 206

Days typicaly look like this. i sometimes sub in tuna, red meat, and pasta.

i train for football 5 days a week very hard. and do sprint workouts in the mornings Mon, wed, fri for about 45-60 min. if you have any comments please let me know. if you have any suggestions fell free to do the same.


Well first off you need more vegetables. also i would say ditch the white rice and rice cakes. Get some brown rice or wheat pasta. You also need to add some simple carbs to your PWO shake. Get some dextrose or invest in SURGE. ALso you need more protein. According to the guidelines here at t-nation you need at least 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight so for you, your total protein intake should be 295 grams a day. Also don’t count add the protein found in your carb sources to your daily consumption as those proteins are incomplete.

yup, boo to white rice

Also don’t count add the protein found in your carb sources to your daily consumption as those proteins are incomplete. [/quote]

thanks for the advice

Less than 2000 for a 195 pounder who’s busting his ass 5 days a week sounds low to me. Unless you don’t care about preserving muscle.

More green stuff
More protein
Hit spell check