Cutting Help

Hi. Was wondering if you guys could look this over and let me know if I am doing anything obviously wrong. I started off weighing about 210, definitly over 20% body fat at 5’10". Here is a typical day of dieting which doesn’t vary much. Using supplements I already had on hand.

wake up: 6:30am 1 myoplex shake, 4 Flameout caps, 1 serving MAG-10

Breakfast at work: 8:30-9:00 instant egg whites(caf) fruit, cottage cheese

Snack: 11:00 am Metabolic Drive bar

Lunch: 1:30 Some sort of meat and vegatables,
again from caf so depending on what they have, a few peices of chicken or pork chop, sometimes flank steak, stringbeans, brocoli ect.

Snack 5:00 Metabolic Drive bar, 1 serving of MAG-10

Gym 6:30- 8:00 ish

Post workout: Myoplex shake

Dinner: 9:00 salad, chicken and vegies

Ok so I have been doing this for about a week. I have actually gained a few pounds most likely from the MAG-10 and hopefully not fat. While on it I am working out 6 days a week and havn’t been doing cardio.

During 2 weeks off will take TRIBEX, work out about 4 days a week and do cardio. Wan’t going to change the diet though because its pretty clean.

Do you see any big problems with this strategy? The MAG-10 is getting really old so decided to throw it in last minute. I had the myoplex shakes and am using that for my wake up meal and instead of Surge post workout.

Also have max strength HOT-ROX but am not going to use it during my 2 weeks off at this point because everytime I try I end up getting sick. I just can not sleep on the stuff, even when I start with 1 cap in the morning. Very sensitive to it.

For workout: during MAG-10 I folded my legs into the upper body days so I could get more workouts during the 2 week period. I am doing abs EOD and

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

rince and repeat

During 2 weeks off I will do





Then go back on MAG-10 for a second 2 week cycle like the first. Comments?

nobody? Did I scare folks off with too much info?

You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.[/quote]

quite possible I guess. I thought the frequent eating would help with the metabolism but you think I need more food eh? Like a lot more?

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.[/quote]

Why does eveyone around here act like everybody needs to pound 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight. It seems like it’s “cool” to tell people to eat more, as if the fat will just magically fall off. This guy is trying to lose weight. My suggestion would be to cut out the morning myoplex, and replace it with some food.

[quote]luceb wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.

Why does eveyone around here act like everybody needs to pound 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight. It seems like it’s “cool” to tell people to eat more, as if the fat will just magically fall off. This guy is trying to lose weight. My suggestion would be to cut out the morning myoplex, and replace it with some food. [/quote]

Thanks for your help! Ok so I could cut that out and get up even earlier. Any sugestions? My thought process with the myoplex is two fold. Get some food in me right away to combat catabolism and they have 42 grms of protein. Also I am not skiping breakfast but just having it as my second meal. So while protein from whole food is better, having two of those a day really helps get my total protein grams close to that 1 grm per lb.

[quote]luceb wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.

Why does eveyone around here act like everybody needs to pound 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight. It seems like it’s “cool” to tell people to eat more, as if the fat will just magically fall off. This guy is trying to lose weight. My suggestion would be to cut out the morning myoplex, and replace it with some food. [/quote]

Are you a fucking moron? The guy is eating like 1000 calories a day and is going 6-8 hours between meals, yet he calls it “frequent eating”. Who said he had to eat 5000 calories?

It’s not “cool” to tell people to eat more- it’s “correct”.

Cut back on the Metabolic Drive bars. Replace them with 2 scoops low carb Metabolic Drive and a tablespoon of flax seed/flax meal, olive oil, or fish oil. Meal timing looks ok, but you should make sure to have something during that workout. Either Surge or gatorade with some whey mixed in.

How big are your portions during the whole food meals? If you’re eating cafeteria food, stick to the salad bar for your vegetables. They may say “steamed”, but afterwards they could be coating all of it down with margarine.

Am I the only one who noticed he doesn’t eat anything between 1:30 and 8ish besides a Metabolic Drive bar?

Is that how you all define frequent eating and “ok meal timing” now?


[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
luceb wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.

Why does eveyone around here act like everybody needs to pound 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight. It seems like it’s “cool” to tell people to eat more, as if the fat will just magically fall off. This guy is trying to lose weight. My suggestion would be to cut out the morning myoplex, and replace it with some food.

Are you a fucking moron? The guy is eating like 1000 calories a day and is going 6-8 hours between meals, yet he calls it “frequent eating”. Who said he had to eat 5000 calories?

It’s not “cool” to tell people to eat more- it’s “correct”.[/quote]

Howdy, Ok I figured I would jump in here and provide a little more info.

Myoplex bars are 270 calories each
Metabolic Drive bars are 230 calories each so I am getting about 1000 calories just from that alone. Also to be more clear, when i say a couple peices of chicken i am talking a couple breasts. I still may not be eating enough but there are a few more facts.

[quote]DJS wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
luceb wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.

Why does eveyone around here act like everybody needs to pound 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight. It seems like it’s “cool” to tell people to eat more, as if the fat will just magically fall off. This guy is trying to lose weight. My suggestion would be to cut out the morning myoplex, and replace it with some food.

Are you a fucking moron? The guy is eating like 1000 calories a day and is going 6-8 hours between meals, yet he calls it “frequent eating”. Who said he had to eat 5000 calories?

It’s not “cool” to tell people to eat more- it’s “correct”.

Howdy, Ok I figured I would jump in here and provide a little more info.

Myoplex bars are 270 calories each
Metabolic Drive bars are 230 calories each so I am getting about 1000 calories just from that alone. Also to be more clear, when i say a couple peices of chicken i am talking a couple breasts. I still may not be eating enough but there are a few more facts.

Well how many calories overall are you eating? You may be eating close to enough, who knows? Some of your meals were vague. I will tell you though you are taking too long of breaks in-between your meals. When cutting it is even more important to eat every three hours than it is when gaining. You need to keep your blood sugar levels stable to help curb cravings, hunger, catabolism, etc.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
DJS wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
luceb wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
You’re gaining weight because you are starving yourself.

Why does eveyone around here act like everybody needs to pound 5000 calories a day just to maintain weight. It seems like it’s “cool” to tell people to eat more, as if the fat will just magically fall off. This guy is trying to lose weight. My suggestion would be to cut out the morning myoplex, and replace it with some food.

Are you a fucking moron? The guy is eating like 1000 calories a day and is going 6-8 hours between meals, yet he calls it “frequent eating”. Who said he had to eat 5000 calories?

It’s not “cool” to tell people to eat more- it’s “correct”.

Howdy, Ok I figured I would jump in here and provide a little more info.

Myoplex bars are 270 calories each
Metabolic Drive bars are 230 calories each so I am getting about 1000 calories just from that alone. Also to be more clear, when i say a couple peices of chicken i am talking a couple breasts. I still may not be eating enough but there are a few more facts.

Well how many calories overall are you eating? You may be eating close to enough, who knows? Some of your meals were vague. I will tell you though you are taking too long of breaks in-between your meals. When cutting it is even more important to eat every three hours than it is when gaining. You need to keep your blood sugar levels stable to help curb cravings, hunger, catabolism, etc.[/quote]

The order of the posts in this thread are all out of wack. I will try and think about what I can put in there in between lunch and the gym. I think my mornings are ok and then I guess I kind of take a dive after that. Its probably killing me in the gym too.

correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t see running or jogging in there. just weight lifting. if i were you i’d be running 3 or 4 days a week. i like 1 day distance running and a few more days a week sprinting.

[quote]XKawN wrote:
correct me if i’m wrong, but i don’t see running or jogging in there. just weight lifting. if i were you i’d be running 3 or 4 days a week. i like 1 day distance running and a few more days a week sprinting. [/quote]

You are correct. was trying to concentrate of lifting during MAG-10 phase but i am going to rethink that for next week.

instead of the bars, try Dr. Berardis Supershake as well. Do a search on the site for his 7 healthy habits. follow it and you will be on your way.