Hi. Was wondering if you guys could look this over and let me know if I am doing anything obviously wrong. I started off weighing about 210, definitly over 20% body fat at 5’10". Here is a typical day of dieting which doesn’t vary much. Using supplements I already had on hand.
wake up: 6:30am 1 myoplex shake, 4 Flameout caps, 1 serving MAG-10
Breakfast at work: 8:30-9:00 instant egg whites(caf) fruit, cottage cheese
Snack: 11:00 am Metabolic Drive bar
Lunch: 1:30 Some sort of meat and vegatables,
again from caf so depending on what they have, a few peices of chicken or pork chop, sometimes flank steak, stringbeans, brocoli ect.
Snack 5:00 Metabolic Drive bar, 1 serving of MAG-10
Gym 6:30- 8:00 ish
Post workout: Myoplex shake
Dinner: 9:00 salad, chicken and vegies
Ok so I have been doing this for about a week. I have actually gained a few pounds most likely from the MAG-10 and hopefully not fat. While on it I am working out 6 days a week and havn’t been doing cardio.
During 2 weeks off will take TRIBEX, work out about 4 days a week and do cardio. Wan’t going to change the diet though because its pretty clean.
Do you see any big problems with this strategy? The MAG-10 is getting really old so decided to throw it in last minute. I had the myoplex shakes and am using that for my wake up meal and instead of Surge post workout.
Also have max strength HOT-ROX but am not going to use it during my 2 weeks off at this point because everytime I try I end up getting sick. I just can not sleep on the stuff, even when I start with 1 cap in the morning. Very sensitive to it.
For workout: during MAG-10 I folded my legs into the upper body days so I could get more workouts during the 2 week period. I am doing abs EOD and
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
rince and repeat
During 2 weeks off I will do
Then go back on MAG-10 for a second 2 week cycle like the first. Comments?