Someone said something about a product called “Cutting Gel.” I know nothing about it except you apply it to the skin and the end result is supposed to be fat loss in the specific area. Does anyone know anything about this besides just saying it is a waste. Looking for specifics here regardless of how much of a scam it sounds like. Thanks.
You can get info at the url “cuttinggel” but here is a summary: The TM name is Epidril. Its a topical that claims to force the release of fat from cells underlying the skin in targeted areas. You then have to exercise or diet to burn the released fat. I started using it 2 days ago. Haven’t really noticed anything yet but results are supposed to become apparent in about 10 days. The bottle is a 30 day supply. If anybody cares I can find the box and list the ingredients. The stuff is honey colored and very gooey. Looks like vaseline after its applied. You can apply 2x per day. Ideally it should be applied right before workout.
Cutting gel contains aminophylline, a methylxanthine that increases cAMP. This presumably increases lipolysis of triglycerides to fatty acids/glycerol. Don’t know the specifics of their delivery system. Have been using for about 7 days on my ass and haven’t noticed any change except a shitload of acne…
This is a jip product. Jacko is right about it trying to increase cAMP, but trying to do that topically has not been accomplished consistently yet. You are better off breaking up some MD6 and mixing it with BEN GAY. Apply that topically cause the yohimbine has been proven to help pull fat as energy more often, even when applied topically
Oh yeah! The stuff works great. In fact last week I performed a similar act by rubbing butter on my penis to fatten it up a bit! Joking aside, unfortunately, spot reduction is a premise that is just mythological. Plain and simple! For the money a good thermogenic proprietary blend (Biotest MD6 for example) coupled with intelligent dieting and training will yeild ten-fold the results.
eas worker t_mag lover -
can you use yohimbine hcl dissolved in an alchol.
Hey guys. I bought some cutting gel, used it for ten days and have already sent it back for a refund. It’s bogus, like most of the shit on the market without the biotest name on the bottle.
Maybe I am stupid? I hope the statement about rubbing c-gel on your ass was a joke. HEHE.
isnt biotest coming out with a spot fat remover? hmmm cant be too mythical.
Cutting Gel, as with every product (except for ECA and stimulant-free something or other) marketed by Silver Sage/NutraSport/klein-becker usa is CRAP. Read their ads, nothing but bunk and hot air. Doing background research on their product ingredients have left me with a pile of blank papers on my desk. Cutting Gel is a take on the ole Greeway/Bray topical aminophylline topical fat loss cream. This product bombed back in 95 and is still a bomb.
Please do not buy their products or into their deceptive ads.
Remember those Yomhibine creams that Dan Duchaine used to push. charles recommends going to a compound chemist to make the cream, because is illegal in the usa. EAS worker could you ellaborate on how to make the md6 mixed with ben gay method. What about the alcohol? How much to use? etc ?
Here are the (listed) ingredients: Lecithin, Octyl Palmitrate, Water, Aminophylline, Isopropylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Butylparaben, Fragrance. I’ll use the bottle 'til empty THEN get a refund. Makes my abs look better when its applied. Kinda shiny.