Stats on TRT have used mast, winny and that’s it aside from Test. When the Tren cycle begins I should be around 200lbs and 10-11%.
I was going to run this with Mast instead of tren but the results my buddy was getting on Tren changed my mind. It is possible my Mast was underdosed but even so I was running 100mg a day, had acne and made great strength gains so I assume it was legit (and also worked perfect for my goals which were strength to size ratio).
I have never ran Tren before so starting it by itself and low dose if it all goes well I increase the dose before adding anything else.
I have never ran Anavar either but not really worried about sides with that.
I am trying to do this with out Arimidex but it will be on hand.
All the color codes and details, thats hot amirite?