Just finishing my the last two weeks of my Deca/Sust bulk cycle. This is my second time doing a bulk cycle, and I have never actually done a cutting cycle… I have some extra Sust left over that I will like to use up. I was looking for advice from anyone that has done a cut cycle with Sust and what they stacked it with for the best results. I am 43 234# 5’9" about 22% bf.
The steroids you take will not change your BF%, your diet will.
Either use it for “TRT” or save it for when you get very close to 10%BF, then AAS become rather helpful for sparing muscle. You wouldn’t need any to prevent muscle loss until then, providing you continue training heavy and keep protein intake high.
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Thanks for advice… I will likely just use for TRT if I use it (expires before my next planned bulk).
Some people had advised me to use in a stack while cutting but none had done it, hence my question. I quoted my bf% for info… I know the diet will have everything to do with moving that number. Realistically I want to end up in the 10-14%… I enjoy being a little thic : )