Cruise Dose Determination

I see a lot of discussion regarding cruise dosages and, from what I can tell, the common wisdom is that 200mg/week is preferred… but my question is why?

Is there something inherently unhealthy or undesirable about cruising higher (220-240… or really any higher amount)? What is magical about 200?

Really looking to understand the science to help inform healthy decision-making.

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IMO, once you decide to “cruise” you have taken your source for testosterone to be exogenous going forward.

As to what is the ideal dose, it seems most want to run higher than TRT dose (~140mg/wk). So 200mg/wk might keep you very high total testosterone when blood testing (depending on when you test after the last injection). Is that level a health concern? I don’t know.

If there is anything magical about 200mg/wk, it is that many testosterone injections are 200mg/cc. So, 1cc per week.

There are many here that are much more knowledgeable about cruising strategy.

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1/2 your age +7 is what I always say.

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I have noticed many guys seem to cruise on 1 mL a week. If they use Test C, that is usually 200 mg/wk, if Test E it is usually 250 mg/wk.

I’d say picking a cruise dose is more about how developed you plan on being. How much muscle you want to be able to hold. Basically if you plan on blasting 3 grams of gear, it doesn’t make much sense to cruise on 100 mg/wk. If you plan on blasting 500 mg/wk tops, a typical TRT dose is probably fine for holding gains.

Personally, I don’t see much point in blasting a lot of gear then losing it on cruise. I also don’t plan on being huge either. So it makes sense for me to have the cruise and the blast be on the lower side of things for blast and cruise. I am cruising on 145 mg/wk currently.

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nmol/L mean TT target?

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Hoping this is sarcasm

1/2 (your age) + 7 = socially acceptable dating pool


Sorry, i am bad with the sarcasm. I gotcha.

It is the pharma section. Give me credit for making the units plausible.

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Which reminds me, how is your cruise going?

I think your blood work will be instructive in this thread.


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Umm I’m not cruising? I’m just on TRT @ 26mg/day Test C and overdue to order bloodwork lol

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TRT/cruise tomato/tomatoe.

No judgement here. Just curious what that will put you at and you dont have to worry about trough timing.


Cuz most people are around 200lbs here.
No one at like 280lbs lean would cruise on 200mgs.
Cruise dosage depends on the lean body mass - the bigger you are the more you need, of course as size and gains and also maintenance ability is dose dependant.

Id say start at a dose that is your weight and rounded up. Then go from there.
So i am 250-255, so my lowest dose would be 300mgs if i would cruise for a long time. If im getting a quick break like 2-3 months, id stay on around 500mgs of test, cuz i blast on around 1,5 grams.
If a cruise is longer, and you still plan on progressing and blasting, id say - cruise on the largest dose you can, while keeping your BP low, and HDL high. There is no point of cruising at all if your BP is shit on a cruise - you might aswell just blast and actually gain.
You need to cruise to get some rest from high BP and low HDL.

This makes a lot of sense. So, the baseline really should be 1g per pound of bodyweight with some added margin for growth (maximize while maintaining healthy BP and HDL).

I’m a lean 220 and I’ve been running 220 for a long time with no negative sides whatsoever; I’m currently a month into a mini-blast at 400 test + 125 deca + 50 anavar (daily) and - with zero side effects thus far - started questioning why I would go back down to 200 or even 220. I think 250 might be my new normal if my vitals all check out.

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How hard are you looking? BP/RHR/Lipids-trig/HDL ratio/CMP/Hct?

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I’m getting blood work tomorrow (27 days in to a 60 day cycle), so I’ll have to report back. My last blood work was 220 test only and all values were within acceptable ranges.

BP is 130/75, which is effectively unchanged from when I was on 220 test only.

As far as appearance, I honestly can’t say I notice much more of a difference. I’ve been training hard and I’d say I look about the same as I’d expect from that same level of training without anavar.

I’ve never noticed “gains” from deca per se (although I’ve only been taking it for a few months), but I do notice my recurring elbow tendinitis has subsided (I typically had to manage it with soft tissue work before).

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Thanks. Let us see what that oxandrolone did to your trig/hdl-c ratio by comparing blood work +/- oxandrolone.

Watch that BP.

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Will do, although results may be skewed by the fact that I switched from amridex to aromasin at the same time (to help offset negative lipid impact of the oxandrolone and to improve SHBG). It may be more valid to provide blood work in a few weeks post-cycle (I’ll transition back to just test) as I intend to stay on aromasin.

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Post it all up. Good luck and to your health.

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The point of a cruise is health, so I’d pick whatever dose allows for that. 200mg is a nice round number, and I’d say if you are holding more muscle than your average natty, the higher dose may be needed just to hold onto the muscle


Id say its ineffective dose of deca and almost too low of a test for lean 220 to see gains in 60 days.