Hey fellow T-men , I would just like to see your opinion on this routine that I have come up with. It’s basically meant for strength and whatever hypertrophy that comes along with it. You will notice that it is basically Legs dominant as it is a lagging bodypart. My bench is at 255, deadlift at 405, but my squat is a measely 205. Therefore I need to incorporate some strengthening of the legs as my priority. The Workout goes as follows.
Monday - Chest & Back
Bench Press - 5sets - 10,8,6,6,4 reps
Incline Press - 3sets - 8,6,6
Pull-ups - 4sets of 10
Barbell Rows - 4sets - 8,8,6,6
Tuesday - Legs & Abs
Squat - 4sets - 10,8,6,6
Romanian Dead - 4sets - 6,6,5,3
Split-squats - 2sets of 15
Goodmornings - 2 sets of 6
calf press - 3 sets of 15
Wednesday - Shoulders, Traps & Arms
Clean & Press - 4sets of 6
Lateral Raises - 4sets of 8
Shrugs - 3sets of 10
Push Press - 4 sets of 6,4,4,3
Barbell Curl - 3 sets of 8
Skullcrushers - 3 sets of 6
Thursday - Repeat Legs & Abs
Friday - Repeat Chest & Back
Saturday - Repeat Legs & Abs
Sunday - Rest
One question I do have is if im on the brink of overtraining. I have tried doing this workout before without noticeable fatigue. Please critique and let me know if this workout may be too taxing to my CNS as well. Much appreciated!