Critique My Cycle

Ok guys after years of wanting to try I’m finally gonna do it!

Starting simple with test only. 500ml every week. Shooting twice a week for 12 weeks. 12.5 mg AROMASIN eod. Not taking during pct(should i?)

For PCT I will start 2 weeks after final pin

I will talk nolva 40mg every day for 2 weeks then 20mg everyday for 2 weeks 40/40/20/20

Does the cycle seem right??

In the morning I will lift 5-6 days a week. I’ll do sprints 10-12 mins 30 secs on 30 secs off 2times a week.

In the afternoon I will do core strength and flexability. A few times a week in the afternoon I will also spar (martial arts)

I’m very active…

I’m 6 2 215 lbs 15% bf. I’m probably really 18%bf

Why take aromasin if you don’t have estrogen related sides? Aromasin is very harsh, it’s a suicidal AI (steroidal in structure), if you crash your E2 on this stuff it’s going to stay low for a good deal of time. Suicidal AI’s bind to the aromatase enzyme, permenantly deactivating/killing it. The body will synthesize more aromatase enzyme but this will take some time.

Even if you do have estrogenic side effects, you should be able to get away with just using nolvadex to combat E2 related sides via said seem inhibiting the actions of estrogen in estrogen receptor sensitive tissues. AI’s are fairly harsh on cardiovascular health (with regards to lipids) compared to test alone.

Otherwise I have no critique, 500mg is quite a bit, you could get away with less for a first cycle but no one will tell you it’s too much, is this a one and done deal or do you plan future cycles?

Edit: drop below 18 percent BF before starting the cycle, get down to 14-15% if you can. Is your plan to bulk, Cut or recomp??

Alright man this is what I’ve came to from another forum…

Week 1: 500mg /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 2: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 3: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 4: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 5: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 6: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 7: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 8: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 9: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week10: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week11: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week12: 500mg test /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week13: 12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD
Week14: 12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 15: 40mg Nolva ED/Clomid 50mgED/Proviron 25mgED /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 16: 40mg Nolva ED/Clomid 50mgED/Proviron 25mgED /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 17: 40mg Nolva ED/Clomid 50mgED/Proviron 25mgED /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

Week 18: 40mg Nolva ED/Clomid 50mgED/Proviron 25mgED /12.5 mg AROMASIN EoD

So what your saying is ditch the AROMASIN.

For now I’m just trying it. I may do another cycle depending on how it goes.

I wanna recomp. I just plan on eating like a God and training like an animal

Please don’t run proviron with PCT. Contrary to what some say mesterolone (when used at high doses) is suppressive of the HPTA, and at low doses will simply prolong recovery, the objective of PCT is to restore LH and FSH production, as these two hormones stimulate the leydig cells of the testis to produce testosterone. LH and FSH are suppressed/shut down when exogenous derivitaves of testosterone/dihydrotestosterone or just regular test/DHT are introduced to the body, proviron is… A man made synthetic, modified form of DHT (1-METHYL-DIHHDROTESTOSTERONE) It will stop the crash feeling post cycle but only postpones the inevitable, terrible crash when you go off the mesterolone

I am telling you to ditch the aromasin, if you have to use an AI (which I don’t recommend) use arimidex instead (shudders)

You absolutely do not need the aromasin after you stop injecting. That’s exactly how you crash your e2 right before you’re attempting to restart your system while on PCT.

Ok so what I’m getting is no aromasin and no proviron


Damn unreal. If I had nothing to go on but linguistics profiling, I’d swear you were from Croatia!! Lol

Haha yea, when I say Yeet I mean yes, or yay, the user needs to interpret which one it means, in this case it meant yes. I forgot when I started saying it, however I found it funny therefore it’s become a bit of a habit, that and woooooot