GOAL: Lose as much fat as possible while maintaining muscle. Then it’s bulking from there - but i’ve gotta lose the fat :).
Hi guys, i’m new here at T-Nation. A little about me - I’m 19 years old, around 5’9" and 186lbs. I’ve lifted on and off for a few years now. I’ve decided that it’s time to get serious and make my goals and dreams come true. I know next to nothing about nutrition so i’ve been reading and studying on this site and others like crazy recently.
Among the articles i’ve read are “Nutrition for Newbies” part 1 and 2. I’ve descovered that my daily caloric needs to maintain my weight while lifting 5 times a week is 2,800 calories. So using the articles I’ve read, I’ve made up the diet detailed below.
I will also be incorporating the basic bodybuilding fundamentals (just so you know) - TONS of water, 7-9 hours of sleep, and a multi-vitamin.
Here is the cutting diet that needs all of your advice and critiqing.
Calories| |Calories from fat| |Fat Grams| |Carbs(g)| |Protein(g)|
Protein Shake(1 scoop + 1cup skim milk) 200 10 1 16 32
1 Banana 105 5 0.5 27 2
Tuna (1 can) 120 10 1 0 26
Walnuts (1/4 Cup) 200 180 20 4 5
Chicken (6oz) 180 60 6 0 31.5
Eggs (3 whole) 234 143 16 1.5 19
Celery (2 medium stalks) 12 3
Peanut Butter (2tbsp) 190 140 16 7 7
Tuna (1 can) 120 10 1 0 26
Protein Shake(1 scoop + 1cup skim milk) 200 10 1 16 32
1 Banana 105 5 0.5 27 2
Eggs (2 whites only) 112 45 5 0 15
Walnuts (1/4 Cup) 200 180 20 4 5
Ground Turkey (6oz) 195 27 3 0 39
Totals: 2198 Calories(825 from fat) 91g fat 105.5g carbs 241.5g protein
Some questions I have:
Would it be beneficial to take Flax Seed Oil capsules on this diet? And if so, how many? (mine are 1,000mg per capsule)
Do I have too few of carbs in this diet? In the “Nutrition for Newbies” it states that carbs are only really needed in the morning and directly after a workout. And I’ve read a few people saying that you should have less than 50g of carbs/day while cutting but someone was also saying that I need much more than the 105.5g of carbs in this diet???
Is there too much fat in this diet? According to the “Nutrition for Newbies guide” I should be getting around 1080 calories from (energetic nutrients) which after the carbs that i’ve got…leaves fat?
Any advice would be much appreciated!