…Well into the 21st Century.
#1: Bank Robberies…Seriously? The way that’s conducted
is basically the same fuckin’ way it was done over a Century ago,
and even EASIER today with unarmed robbers just simply slipping
a note to the fuckin’ Teller.
Karado’s solution…an executive order to have all Banks Drive Thru only,
with super sharp Tire shredders built in the Pavement, raised above ground if any crap
is pulled, and Machine Gun Turrets on the Ceilings outside with ‘Smiley Face’
signs saying, “We love our customers, but if you even think about taking our
cash, You are toast, have a nice day!”
Alternate solution, a cashless society, see below.
#2: Counterfeiting…On the verge of the new 100 Dollar Bill
coming out, even with all this mind blowing, fantastic technology
all over the fuckin’ place, it blows my mind we still can’t find a fuckin’
solution to a problem that’s older than the fuckin Bible days…are they
kidding me? What happened to the LAST 100 Dollar bill that was supposed
solved that problem? What do we have, 'TARDS working at the treasury??
Karado’s solution…a CASHLESS society, where we get paid in “credits”
with no one having access to funds unless verified thru DNA and/or Iris Scans.
everyone has DNA, and everyone has at least one eye, and if you don’t,
you’re useless to society anyway and should be euthanized painlessly.
#3 Identity Theft: Ok, this one here is obviously a biggie that
the feds should have solved especially after 9-11, but it’s still
a huge issue that I’m sure should be figured out somehow closing
access ‘loopholes’, this an Ancient Problem that’s older
than the fuckin Pyramids, and the fact we haven’t gotten our shit together on that one,
as a rover collects dirt samples on Mars clearly exposes our technological
priorities are way out of whack.
Karado’s solution…see above previous solution, come on Government, get your
shit together to REDUCE crimes older than your Great Great Grandmothers,
it’s the 21st fuckin’ Century already!