Thanks everyone.
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
Waiting on the PM unless you want your personal business out there…[/quote]
I’m not shy, and maybe it will help someone else.
I CAN fix your wife’s credit quickly (20 to 30 point boost in less than a week in most cases).
Some of the info in this thread is good, some of it is dated…
If her mid-score is 639 I don’t see why you are having trouble getting a loan… Is it a high balance loan amount? Conventional? FHA? VA? What’s the LTV? Is there another factor preventing you from qualifying?[/quote]
I’m not working right now, so the loan is all in her name. FHA loan. Not a high loan amount at all. The only payments in her name are $130 student loan, a $170 timeshare (yes, we’re those idiots), a $240 capital one bill (13k balance on 16k credit line), and our old mortgage on a house we are renting. The rent is $1400 and our monthly payment on that loan is $1336. I understand she can only use 75% of the rent as income for the new loan.
Her income is about $3500/month, but she is getting a $8/hour raise this month (that contract has been provided to the lenders).
PM me with as much detail as you can think of and I’ll tell you what to do.
We may need to actually correspond IRL (in other words, I may need to actually see the credit report because most people don’t know what the @#!*% they are looking at and different reporting agencies put the information in different parts of the report so I wouldn’t be able to tell you exactly where to look, I’d have to see it for myself), so if you’re uncomfortable with that, the help I may be able to give you will be limited.
There are a lot of reasons why the scores are so different. The main reason is that EF, TU and XP all use different algorithms to calculate the score. Also, some of your creditors may not be reporting to all three repositories so they may not have the same information. Or the information may be incomplete. For example, if they don’t fill in the “High Limit” field on a particular tradeline, the BALANCE becomes the high limit and it @#!% the ratio all up. There are literally HUNDREDS of things that can @#!% up your score.
Hit me up.[/quote]
Thanks again. I’ll PM you to see what private info you need.