Maybe this is a strange request, but since there is such a large, diverse group of people on this site, maybe someone can help me.
In a nutshell, my mortgage company is a nightmare to deal with. I have been going back and forth with these assholes for a year about PMI deletion. I cant describe what it is like dealing with them. They dont respond to letters, emails or faxes.
When you call, you get a customer service rep who is clueless and abrasive. I’ve also been told about 5 different things. They refuse to put a supervisor on the phone or even provide a name of a supervisor so I could write them a letter.
After threatening legal action a month ago, I got a mysterious letter which seemed to be the answer I was looking for. However, they either forgot or refused to include a needed document and Im fighting to get that now. The legal action threat was somewhat hollow because we’re only talking about PMI deletion, which in the scheme of things isnt really that huge an issue although
its costing me $1700 a year for nothing at this point.
Maybe some one in the real estate or legal business can provide me some guidance on how to get a freakin answer from these clowns. Also, Im a little unsure about where to lodge a formal complaint and would be interested in doing that too. Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Honestly, all I want is a straight answer. The whole PMI thing is ancilllary. I’m not bitching about the amount of interest they will make off of me before its all said and done, but I
think that it at least entitles me to some type of reasonable customer service.