Creatine Rant

Can someone explain the Creatine Phenomena to me? I mean, sure I’ve taken creatine, and I’ll probably take it again. It’s a good supplement.

It seems like, though, that several people have misconceptions about creatine. There are an incredible number of posts about creatine. Stuff like, “if I take enough creatine along with my hour long biceps workout, will I get Hyuuuge?”.

As far as I know, there are zero contraindications with creatine. It’s entirely possible that I’m wrong, but I’ve been using creatine off and on for a long time now. Yet every other day someone asks if creatine can be “stacked” with some other supplement.

There are people who equate creatine with unsafe steroid use. “If I use creatine, will my balls shrink into raisins?” or “will I go into random rages if I take creatine?”.

People. Listen. Creatine is a good, but rather mild supplement. It is not dangerous, and it’s not magical. You won’t go into random rages or shrink your willy. You will not sprout wings or grow horns. You will NOT just grow Hyuuuge if you take creatine.

Deap Breath

For even more info, see the article Creatine Fact and Fancy
The Top Seven Creatine Monohydrate Myths

Thank you for listening.

But, can I take creatine when I first wake up in the morning after having a bad dream and waking up about 1 hour earlier than usual thus messing up my normal sleep patterns?

if u strtd tpng lk this w/o prpr pnct spelling & grammar it wud b jus rite.

A guy I see at the gym a lot asked me if I use any supplements. I told him I use a vit/min supplement, protein powder, creatine and ZMA.

His response was “You use Creatine? I’m trying to get bigger naturally.” That kind of pissed me off, but the guy meant well and was just VERY misinformed.

I told him that it’s as natural as eating meat (to me anyway), and it’s not any more unnatural than taking vitamins.

I couldn’t imagine trying to get him to understand my views of chemical enhancement (which are that I’m not anywhere close to consistent enough in my diet or training to use them, nor do I know enough about them yet, but feel they can be safe, healthy and effective if used correctly).

I can’t believe the ignorance of most people about supplements.

I ate 1.8 bananas (that’s two .9 banana servings) and 5.3 grams of creatine exactly 6 seconds after my 17 set by 8 rep to failure plus two 3.7 second isometric hold bicep workout and now I have to buy adult sized T-shirts to fit my pipes.

[quote]graphicsMan wrote:
Creatine is a good, but rather mild supplement. It is not dangerous, and it’s not magical. You won’t go into random rages or shrink your willy.[/quote]

Damn. All this time I thought my little willy was a result of creatine use.

Here’s the lyrics to the little willy song to make you feel better…

North side, east side
Little Willy, Willy wears the crown, he’s the king around town
Dancing, glancing
Willy drives them silly with his star shoe shimmy shuffle down
Way past one, and feeling alright
'Cause with little Willy round they can last all night
Hey down, stay down, stay down down

‘Cause little Willy, Willy won’t go home
But you can’t push Willy round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home

Up town, down town
Little Willy, Willy drives them wild with his run-around style
Inside, outside
Willy sends them silly with his star-shine shimmy shuffle smile
Mama done chase Willy down through the hall
But laugh, Willy laugh, he don’t care at all
Hey down, stay down, stay down, down

‘Cause little Willy, Willy won’t go home
But you can’t push Willy round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home

Little Willy, Willy won’t
Willy won’t, Willy won’t
Little Willy, Willy won’t
Willy won’t, Willy won’t
Little Willy, Willy won’t
Willy won’t, Willy won’t
Little Willy, Willy won’t
Willy won’t, Willy won’t

Little Willy, Willy won’t go home
But you can’t push Willy round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home

Little Willy, Willy won’t go home
But you can’t push Willy round
Willy won’t go, try tellin’ everybody but, oh no
Little Willy, Willy won’t go home

G-man I sympathize. The world is horribly missinformed about all athletic supplements. People seem to have this impression that supplements are wonder drugs that will transform you into some kind of muscle freak. I met a girl who said that taking protien powder wasn’t natural, I look at her and said its whey, you get it when you make cheese, people have been eating it sice we figured out you could milk a cow, and besides you eat atkins low carb bread, how natural is low carb bread?!

[quote]Kagemusha wrote:
G-man I sympathize. The world is horribly missinformed about all athletic supplements. People seem to have this impression that supplements are wonder drugs that will transform you into some kind of muscle freak. I met a girl who said that taking protien powder wasn’t natural, I look at her and said its whey, you get it when you make cheese, people have been eating it sice we figured out you could milk a cow, and besides you eat atkins low carb bread, how natural is low carb bread?! [/quote]

I thought low-carb bread grew on trees… what are you saying?

Perhaps since steak doesn’t naturally grow right on your plate, that’s not natural either? I don’t know, we could ask your friend :wink:

Little Miss Muffett was a roided out freak with those curds and whey. If she had been on creatine, she probably would have stomped that spider to a pulp.:wink:

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
Little Miss Muffett was a roided out freak with those curds and whey. If she had been on creatine, she probably would have stomped that spider to a pulp.:wink:

Unaware that the spider has also been eating Miss Muffett’s curds and whey…

With a flick of his leg he sent her to flying across the room into the cupboard… “What’s in the bowl bitch!!!”


R u 4 real? Createen will make ur kidneys X-plode!

By the way, did anyone read that post on one of the other threads asking if high protein diets make your blood clot? Classic…

If you haven’t blown a vessel in your brain, hou ain pussin had enuss.(dribbledribble)

Well then, me thinks it’s up to all the T-MEN here to set these folks straight–one person at a time.

I’m still trying to get my wife to lift heavy, but she “doesn’t want to get bulky.” Sigh.


Vroom lifts heavy and still looks bulky. But I don’t think it’s muscle…

[quote]SicTorn wrote:
Vroom lifts heavy and still looks bulky. But I don’t think it’s muscle…[/quote]


Baby, you must be lookin’ at my loooooooove muscle.

[quote]vroom wrote:
Baby, you must be lookin’ at my loooooooove muscle.[/quote]

Sweetheart, those are your looooooove handles I’m looking at. =D

Creatine killed my cat.