What are your thoughts?
What is creatine?
Creatine is a protein made from aminoo acids. Our body produces about one gram each day in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. We also eat about one gram of creatine each day from meats such as beef, chicken or fish. If you don’t eat enough protein you may have lower creatine levels. Studies have suggested that people with neuromuscular diseases have lower creatine levels.
What does creatine do in the cell?
Creatine stores energy that you get from food. Some of the creatine forms creatine phosphate, an energy source for nerve cells. When you take extra creatine, more energy is avalable for immediate energy needs.
Do you take creatine?
Yes, I take creatine. It helps keep my weight down by keeping my muscle size up. More muscle keeps my metabolic rate high so that I use more calories.
Doctor, if you had Parkinson’s or another neurodegenerative disease, would you take creatine?
Absolutely! I think creatine is a very promising substance that certainly merits consideration by every person with Parkinson’s.
However, I am not your personal physician and do not make medical recommendations. You should consult your physician before making medical decisions. Keep in mind that creatine research is just now attracting the attention of large numbers of medical scientists. My guess is that we are going to hear a lot of exciting things about creatine in the next few years.
How may creatine help slow the progression of Parkinson�??s disease?
One idea is that creatine increases the available energy for brain nerve cells. This helps prevent the loss of mitochondria and its resultant damage to the nerve cell. The second idea is that creatine may have a direct effect on mitochondria which are necessary for the health and survival of the nerve cell. The bottom line is the more energy a cell has, the more it can protect itself from injury and premature death.
What is the correct creatine dosage?
Companies that make creatine powder suggest “loading” 15-20 grams per day for a week. Then the dose can be reduced to a maintenance dose of 5 grams per day. The idea is to make sure that people get more than enough creatine to make sure it makes a a difference in every day activities or athletic performance.
However, these high doses do not translate into higher creatine levels in your muscle. Later studies showed that a “loading” dose is unnecessary and may cause some side effects.
What are these side effects?
Despite many positive results, some athletes report stomach aches, diarrhea, increased urination and muscle cramps. These are probably caused by two things. When high doses of powder enter the stomach, they draw water from the body, causing the intestine to cramp. Secondly, some people take large doses of creatine powder, thinking that if a little bit was good, then a lot would be better. I suggest a dosage of 3 to 5 grams per day using a product such as the creatine chewing gum or a chewable creatine tablet. People using these products and dosage have not reported any of the above side effects.
Is creatine safe for long-term use?
Creatine has been used for at least ten years in the United States, and Russia has used creatine well before then. No controlled studies have shown serious side effects. In times past, heavy meat eaters such as the Plains Indians, African Tribal People, and Eskimos have all eaten high concentrations of creatine in their meat over long periods of time, without any known ill effects.
Where is creatine made?
There are three primary manufacturing sources of creatine powder: China, Europe, and the United States. Companies buy creatine from one of these sources,package it, mix it with other ingredients and make it into a product and then finally market it in various ways to the public. I recommend buying U.S. or German creatine because their strict manufacturing standards.
Poor manufacturing standards may result in toxic contamination. My advice is to stick with companies that have very high professional standards. It will cost you more, but it is well worth it.
Is there a way to take creatine that can help overcome the creatine delivery problems you describe?
Yes, there are two products that I like. The first is a chewable creatine tablet called Creatine Power Tabs. It tastes like a grape sweet tart and is very easy to chew up and swallow. The second is a mint-flavored creatine chewing gum.
Both products give you an exact dose of creatine so you don’t have to worry about mixing or measuring. These products allow the creatine to be absorbed right in the mouth. This bypasses the stomach acid which can destroy up to 60% of the creatine. The Tabs and Gum contain carbohydrates which are critical for absorption. Creatine Powder must be mixed with some type of juice.
Both retain all the advantages of creatine and avoid the problems associated with the powder. They are called Creatine Gum and Creatine Power Tabs and are made by NuCare.
Creatine Chewtrition and Creatine Power Tabs are good delivery systems for those who are up and about and can chew. If you can�??t chew, try Creatine Power Tabs and let the wafer dissolve in your mouth or crush it with a spoon and mix it with 4oz of water. You may also try 3-5 grams of powder per day in divided doses. Be sure to completely dissolve the powder in water. Take it immediately via mouth or PEG and don�??t store the solution. Take the creatine about an hour after a high carbohydrate meal. Avoid caffeine in coffee and soft drinks because it has been reported to neutralize the positive effect of creatine.
How can I learn more?
I write a free weekly e-mail newsletter that covers various health and nutritional issues. I call my newsletter �??Doc Joc�?? because of my interest in sports. If you or your friends want to subscribe, just write �??subscribe�?? in the subject line and send to docjoc@nucare.com. I also welcome specific questions from you, your friends or your physician. Just write doctor@nucare.com.
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