I am not a bodybuilder by any means of the word, however I am a big guy trying to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass. I strength train 3 days a week and do cardio 2 days a week. I lift HEAVY and HARD. 4-6 reps of heavy weight.
I have read just about everything by Dr. Berardi and a few others. I am currently taking Creatine monohydrate 3-5 g/day. Have been for about 5 months now.
In Dr. Berardi’s ‘Metabolism Advantage’ book he states that all men should take 2-3 g of Creatine daily for the rest of their lives. I have also heard that it loses its affectivness over time and should be stopped for a while. Cylcled. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Should I stop now for a while or not?
Just for arguement sake I will list all the supp’s that I am taking.
Creatine monohydrate 3-5 g/day
Flameout 4-6 caps/day
CLA 3 caps/ day
Green Tea Supp 315 mg / 2x daily
Surge for post-workout
Muscle Milk and Complete Whey Powder for meal replacement shakes and extra protein when needed.
ZMA 2-3 caps/ nightly
Casien protein powder for bedtime shake after hard lift days but at least 2 hrs after the ZMA as to not have an uptake conflict with the calcium and magnesium.
Thanks for your help.
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