Creatine FAQ's

There is so much controversy about creatine taking. Should I load or not? Should I take on off days or not? How much carbohydrates should I add when taking in the morning or on off day ? I bought creatine first time and it recommends to take 20g for 5 days. A lot of people say it is wasting and I’ll pee it out. I’m confused.

Dont fret so much :slight_smile: just take 5g a day (some take 5g pre and post training)and no need to worry about your carbs, other then what your already doing nothing “special” needed.

Yes you will piss the excess out but BFD it is so inexpensize,(This is if you purchased the correct stuff from here)

Because I live far (next to Russia), I can’t purchase from here. I just want it to work well. I have read body doesn’t absorb much without glycose.

On off day, by “No need to worry about carbs” you mean I shouldn’t add them or the amount is arbitrary?

your body will absorb the creatine fine without any carbs. i have started taking creatine multiple times during the day with BCAA and beta alanine. this was inspired by christian thibaudeau’s creatine, BCAA, glutamine stack.

but even if you take creatine on its own, you will be fine. some people take an extra serving after the workout in addition to their daily serving. by serving, i mean 3-5g unless you are massive in which case obviously you would take a little more.

I don’t load. I take 5g pre and post weights and just 5g on nonweight training days. As long as you get creatine monhydrate your fine. Most prefer the German or micronized beacuae it mixes better and is supposed to absorb better. It’s still mono just a finer powder.

Alright… and how many weeks you have the break (between two cycles) ?

no cycling, take it all the time. if anything up the dose during heavy training periods. maybe 1.5-2 times normal.

No cycling for me except when I run out, but it’s gotten a lot cheaper lately.

I LOVE creatine and even with my shall we say…incomplete physique it puts about ten pounds on me and makes my recovery much better. I load 20g a day for about five days - I’ve found your intestines will tell you better than anyone when your all nice and saturated.

5g a day, give or take. Maybe an 2-3g sprinkle in PWO drink if so inclined.

I found this: to be about as much and as conclusive as you’re going to get at this point.