Hi guys, I’m 5 weeks into my first Test E cycle 500mg/week. Everything is going good except a problem with a little ankle swelling (wich I want to clarify in other post). In addition to trainings, I planned to do an outdoor cardio once a week.
But I tried it 2 weeks ago and I get INSANE calve pumps which force me to stop after maximum of 700-800 meters. I have a feeling there’s an A-Bomb in my calves exploding. It’s just impossible to do running. I have to do it on a treadmill but to be honest, I don’t like treadmill.
It is normal to experience uncomfortable pumps, but normally in response to particular drugs, notably anything oral or higher doses of masteron. I have experienced them in delts, calves, and worst lower back. Oral drugs are far more stressful than injectables, drinking plenty of fluid and taking large amounts of taurine helped me as I believe it has something to do with your electrolytes calcium, potassium, and sodium and how they allow the muscles to relax/contract. You mentioned oral winstrol in your other thread, this was by far the worst compound I have experienced pumps in response to, lower back for me.
In response to the question if your other thread, not taking an AI is not advisable as the test you are taking will convert to estrogen to some degree. Dangerously high? Perhaps not depending on how you respond to it but elevated estrogen will increase water retention and probably is the culprit for your swelling. Also winstrol dries out your joints which could be another cause.
I finished winstrol this week (3 days ago) and the rest should be test only. I experienced these calves pumps when I was on winstrol. I guess I’ll try to the outdoor run next week again to see if it changed or not.
To the question in my other thread : I was a little bit confused because if my estrogen level was that hight to cause massive water retention, I would expect also gyno to occur. But except that problem with swollen ankle area, I have no problems at all, only a little bit oily skin. I was afraid that using an AI could make my estrogen level drop too drastically and that at 500mg/week dose it could be not necessary to use it. I wanted to know, how I react to these 500mg/week, if I’m gyno prone and what’s the response of my organism in general to this compound to have experience for future.
So I think the best idea now is to have my blood pressure checked again. If it’s high, then my estrogen level is probably too high and I should start the AI, right?
its normal i was taking dbol and test while i was in the army when we didnt have any filed time for a while but the morning runs on dbol where ridiculous low back and lat punmps went from being always at the front to the very back but wasnt even sweating just told people i was focusing on strentgh for a wee while hah. also when i went to town one night my lats got so pumped from dancing my shirts was almost popping seems hahah had to sit down and rest