[quote]Arioch wrote:
Contach wrote:
Phill wrote:
Fats are great and all but also metabolically inexpensive dont take energy to digest low (tef)
Protein very high TEF, eat a steak and tell me its quickly digested, add on to that a salad and apple, yes a mixed meal and well thats going to keep ya not so hungry lol
Steak, an interesting example of a non-fatty used to illustrate your point… hrm… nope… quite fatty indeed. Eat a chicken breast (THIS IS REAL LEAN MEAT) and time how long it takes you to get hungry.
I find it interesting that you think the fat in a steak is a ‘healthy’ fat.
Now, rather than get into a pissing contest about protein types, I think the three of us agree that the OP’s diet needs some work.
From what Phil has posted in the past, I’m sure he agrees with you that healthy fats should be included in the diet. It also seems that you would agree with Phil and me that more protein would do this guy some good.
Firstly, I did not say anywhere that I thought that steak is a “healthy fat”. However, I do agree that fats, whether EFA’s or non-EFA’s are necessary.
But the problem at hand was the OP getting hungry between meals. Adding more protein to the diet is not going to help this because of the gastrointestinal-feedback that I previously described. Adding fats will.
And given that we all agree that too much ‘bad fat’ is not good for anyone, adding a steak (as suggested by an individual) is going to do a significant amount of harm. The individual who suggested eating the steak saw it as a large protein source, and tried to convince us that the scientifically-proven information I gave was wrong.
He is right in that a steak will leave you satisfied for a long time, but this is not because of its amount of protein but instead the amount of fat it contains. This supports the theory.
I reiterate. OP: try adding some fats (preferably Omega-3’s) to your diet.