Hello everyone,
It’s been two weeks since I crashed my estrogen and have still not recovered.
I’ve crashed it multiple times over the past few months trying my best to dial it in but always recovered within days after resuming testosterone without an a.i (arimidex)
This time round I still have the same horrible symptoms. My e2 was undetectable on a blood test last week and symptoms still the same.
I normally run 250mg test E per week split in two doses; with .5mg arimidex twice a week. In the past this was ok but recently it has crashed my estrogen.
I then rebounded and e2 went to over 40. It’s been a constant struggle to dial it in since.
But as of now there’s been no rebound and I can’t do anything to bring up my estrogen. HCG worked great but only for a day, I felt my estrogen right in the sweet spot but literally only for a day before it went down again (ive seen studies showing serum estrogen from HCG to reach baseline rapidly after injection)
I’ve doubled my test dose to 500mg this past week with no results.
I’m at a loss.
I appreciate your thoughts, thanks