Crap Inventions

Alright, so the question is: “Name one crappy invention, and why.”

My answer:
Neon spandex pants. The fat guys wearing them in the 90’s… honestly frightening.

shake weight

Condoms. I might as well fuck plastic.

Blu-tooth earpeices.
I always end up responding to a stranger in public who wasn’t talking to me. Then They get rude and I have to stare at them until their legs break from the awe of my rage. It’s pretty inconvenient to be getting arrested so often.

booty pop, just like the push up bras… False advertisements when they take of clothes, utter disappointment!

Rear Projection Televisions. My 61" is going out and it’s going to cost money I don’t have to replace it. Never should have made the damned thin, and I’m the idiot for buying it.

An otherwise beautiful girl just reduces herself to looking like a redneck Eskimo wearing those stupid things.

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Condoms. I might as well fuck plastic.[/quote]

x2. Shit I almost made a condoms suck thread.

Pet steps/ramps to get up on the bed. I have no words.

Fanny Packs, because they are ghey.

[quote]Sanitarium wrote:
Pet steps/ramps to get up on the bed. I have no words.[/quote]

Doggy treadmills.

Putting such classless things as an Incan fighting a samurai, or the undead skeleton of a Cheyanne warrior riding a fire-breathing horse, on a selection of pre-distressed t-shirts, charging 80 dollars for them and marketing them to a group of 20-something morons who seldom have life goals exceeding mastering Texas Hold’em poker and acquiring new rims for their cars.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
An otherwise beautiful girl just reduces herself to looking like a redneck Eskimo wearing those stupid things. [/quote]


tires that are not run flats

The Snuggie.

voice boxes on women


[quote]MaximusB wrote:
The Snuggie.[/quote]

Stop judging my religion.

[quote]WolBarret wrote:
Condoms. I might as well fuck plastic.[/quote]

But it’s okay when she’s your inflatable girl friend?

[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
WolBarret wrote:
Condoms. I might as well fuck plastic.

But it’s okay when she’s your inflatable girl friend?[/quote]

Well played.