[quote] Brook wrote:
Dave_ wrote:
Brook wrote:
AAS DO and ARE PROVEN to increase aggressive tendancies in SOME men… however the steroid your friend took is not an Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid.
Brook, I keep saying this, but thought I’d ask your opinion.
I would bet everything I own on this aggression being due to inappropriate administration (i.e. enan once per week or even per fortnight. The dosing patterns used in these studies are typically appalling at best. My guess is flucuating hormone levels and shitty E control are the culprits, not the ACTUAL AAS.
Absolutely not. No way. Simply put - It would be worsened of course by once weekly high doses - but it is the total androgen level that is the culprit. A one off dose only worsens this as a higher dose is needed. If a man is going to become overly confident/aggressively so on 400mg of test… which is worse… 500mg 1x/wk or 250mg 2x/wk? The first example will be effective for this side almost immediately as the dose is there. The second will build to levels giving that effect, so will be AS BAD in the long term.
The dosing comes into play when it is a choice of 2g E2W or 500mg 2x/wk. In this case the first example will provide a large increase in androgens for a shorter time. Possibly increasing aggression over that shorter time.
There are some men - and plenty of them - who suffer extreme psychological reactions to AAS - one major reason people dont say anything is they dont admit to it - alot like the reason you dont hear about ED terribly often… especially face to face (or is explained as ‘recovery’) although at one point or another it will affect everyone of us for one reason or another.
The trouble is, while the anti-steroid lobby are working with bad, incorrect knowledge - focusing purely on the side effects, which as we know can be lowered with dosing regimes and ancillary drugs - the pro-steroid lot are lobbying with similar mis-information. to say that steroids do not cause aggression is like saying when you put a human behind the wheel they wont speed.
(The pro-AAS lobby also say that there are little risk for sides in those who know what they are doing - but IME this isn’t tue either - look at someone like DH who is supposed to know what he is doing. He cannot control sides when on cycle - it takes a lot of experience to learn how to do this IME)
I for one am massively aggressive on AAS. This is not to say i am screaming all the time, or constantly in fights (more the pity) - far from it, in fact i work to avoid such situations. But i DO give off an uncontrollable air of aggression that is easily picked up by others. I get irritated very quickly by others (ring any bells anyone? This IS increased on AAS isn’t it?!). I am more sexually aggressive in that i will make more advances than i may have ‘normally’.
Aggression is not JUST fighting or telling someone to suck your cock. It is more commonly - in this day and age - a simple way of thinking (as violence doesn’t pay in most societies). A more assertive, overly assertive manner where you will not put up with too much shit for too long from anyone.
I will link a study done on aggression as it is a perfect representation of what aggression in humans really is these days rather than the common thought of it as ‘snarling’ and being violent…!
[b]â??Sit down,â?? the researchers told their test subjects. â??See this button? Each time you press it you get a point. A hundred points earns you fifty cents. Everything you earn weâ??ll pay you in cash to take home at the end of the session.â??
â??But look, thereâ??s another button here. And if you press this one you get ten points each time. That goes quicker. But all the points you earn with the fast button you get at the expense of someone else playing the same game in the next room. Youâ??ll be taking his points away. Itâ??s up to you what you do.â??
The researchers left the room and the test subjects had half an hour to earn as much money as possible.
The subjects did the test three times. The first time they were given no treatment; the second time they received an injection with a placebo; the third time the subjects did the experiment after they had had testosterone cypionate injections for a couple of weeks. The dose they were given was 600 mg a week.
The experiment was intended to provide an answer to the question whether non-medical doses of testosterone cause aggression. Did the test subjects press the anti-social button more often if they were juiced up? Were they more inclined not to care about others? Did the testosterone make them more anti-social? The answer is â??yesâ??. But, the researchers discovered, there were big differences in how aggressive they became.
You can see the changes in each personâ??s behaviour below. Yes, it’s true it wasn’t a big group: six test subjects is not a lot. But itâ??s the principle of the matter. Each curve represents one test subject. BL = no treatment, PL = placebo, T = testosterone. BL always scores zero, so the curves represent the percentage change in the number of aggressive and non-aggressive clicks of the button.
Looking at the curves, you can see that there are people for whom it makes little difference whether they use testosterone or not. But there are others that youâ??d do better to stay out of their way. Testosterone is not good for them. And itâ??s no good at all for the people around them. [/b]
(The 6 graphs were all raised - showing increases in aggression for all 6 participants. However 3 of them were almost off the chart in aggressive response, and the other 3 were mild-moderate rises)
This is taken from a pro-AAS site, as like myself i assume they don’t believe in shoving their heads in the sand.
Many people consider that their increased confidence in themselves, their improved moods and their ability to call shit is just a pleasant side effect of Testosterone - makes them a little more manly - and some would be right - but in others these are actual symptoms of something a little more. They are actually intimidating in their self belief, their confidence and their self-worth. They come across as TOO confident - so… aggressively confident.
trust me it exists - and not as crazy high doses. Plus add in a drug like tren which is approx 3x the androgen activity as test and you have a massive spike.
AAS forums are laughed about as many of the posters are so confrontational - rarely letting things go. It is difficult to see when you post on one - likely becasue everyone is of a similar mindset you yourself… but it is definitely there. Of course this doesn’t include everyone - and many men realise what happens and how to counter it as best they can.
But it shows occasionally. 
Yes AAS forums are laughed at because of posters like you Brook. Rarely letting things go describes you perfectly. Wow posters are confrontational ??. I never noticed it so much until I read how you and Bill post. But your behavior is understandable if we go by your above comments and behavior over the past year or so. No wonder your relationship (s) is in the toilet. The way you post the reader comes away with the realization you are on a perpetual Tren/Test/Adex cycle. Yes aggression comes through loud and clear (in some users).