Covid in Australia

Take it off the short list of travel destinations FOREVER! Over the past two decades more and more nanny state policies have come into place. Soon you might not be able to participate in all of the amazing endeavours Australia has to offer. Outback… off limits… skydiving… too dangerous… cliff jumping? Nooopppe

This isn’t the case as of now, but I imagine (exaggerating obviously) massive borders being put over the inhospitable, yet oddly beautiful outback/bush around here under the guise of public safety

I’m using humour as a means to vent my frustration. Obviously if you ever come down my way (or even travel down to a border state) I’d be happy to buy you a beer and a meat pie (type of beef pie universally associated with Aus… they’re fantastic) or something and show you around :slight_smile:

@Chris_Colucci any thoughts/insights regarding the covid related political fiasco in Aus?

I saw this in the August photo thread but didn’t want to de-rail it. Hope it’s okay if I ask on here. What style of kickboxing? American kickboxing? Dutch kickboxing? Muay Thai?

American kickboxing is kind of like a full contact, arguably far more brutal version of karate relative to mcdojo karate. Karate has a bad name due to the mcdojo epidemic, but in it’s fullest form it’s a very effective combat discipline. Those Japanese guys who train day in day out for decades prior to competing professionally, who can break numerous large panels of wood with their bare hands are some off the toughest guys in the world.

Dutch kickboxing (like American kickboxing had a three way with muay thai and western boxing)? Muay Thai? I do Muay Thai, western boxing and BJJ at the moment. I’ll probably sprinkle in some sparring lessons with an athlete who does greco roman wrestling to enhance my takedown game and perhaps take up some Krav Maga if I ever have the time but my schedule is pushed to the max with work, studies, martial arts, weightlifting, being in constant pain and forum time :laughing:. Muay Thai is probably less efficacious for self defence in my opinion, though I’m certainly not an expert, barely a novice.

My reasoning stems from the defensive aspect within both sports. Muay Thai relies on techniques such as long guard, shin checks, parries and well placed knees from clinch to deflect or stop incoming strikes. The offensive mechanisms revolve around trading hits, using various parts of the body as a weapon (shin = baseball bat, elbows to cut etc), and grappling for throws, sweeps, dumps and takedowns. Whereas American kickboxing/various other kickboxing styles will teach aversion, proper blocks and whatnot, hence why I do western boxing 1-2x/wk to work on my defence. For offence, Muay Thai is fantastic, but it’s probably not going to stop you from getting hit… that’s why I think kickboxing is probably superior for defence, whereas Muay Thai is great for offence.

How are the OLY lifts progressing? what’s your C/J, Snatch? Deadlift? Push press? I’d love to do oly lifting, but I’ve heard it takes upwards of half a year just to get the technique right before you can add weight to the bar. I’ve also heard it requires an insane amount of shoulder stability, something my extremely hyper mobile shoulders don’t have. I have the mobility down pat though

All the best of luck regarding your fitness endeavours! You’re looking solid in those pics