Cool Stuff

Quiet day at work. So why not. Here is just some Cool Stuff. I’m not a big gadget-toy person but I do own some sh*t that only I find cool I’m leaving off my prowler since you already know what that is.

I only own the knife but the rest of this stuff is just sh*t I find cool.

Kitchen helper

Shuriken USB

(yeah silly but what the hell)

keep them coming! btw where do you get that knife holder?


Spyderco byrd Wrench

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:

Sweet! I will check that out. I have to decorate the new apartment, and this looks fun. would like it in turquoise, but either way.

Columbia River multi tool

Yes I have a thing for knives. I’m not sure about the Knife holder my Brother gave that to me as a gag gift, Kinda cool though let me check on that.

From I just like the add for them:

“You might have had some hot peanuts before, but youâ??ve never had peanuts as hot as these because these, my friend, are the Hottest Fuckinâ?? Nuts ever. These delicious nuts are covered in salt, habanera chili, jalapenos, onions, garlic, and paprika. Just be careful while you eat these that you donâ??t scratch your junk, because well, then youâ??d have the hottest f**kinâ?? nuts in more ways than one”

My wall hooks

My reading light

My juicer, natch

And Give PMPM a Cookie for that one. She hit it on the nose.

I just like that they are magnetic, stick em to your fridge or your belt ahhaha what the hell Something to do at a BBQ

Beer openers

Anything that will fit on my key chain, pocket or in my backpack. I like gadget tools. You would be suprised how many times these things come in handy.


BBQ cool

