Obviously, the reward for this goes to the Seinfeld episode where the DMV screws up with Kramer’s new licence plates and he ends up with a set that say “ASSMAN.” Funny as hell.
Then I started thinking…what would be some badass license plates? Heres a few:
Why do you think kids are trying to con their parents into moving to the small, bullshit states? Alaska, Rhode Island, etc. Its because theres barely anybody there and all the cool license plates are still available.
I actually heard that “GASCHMBR” was taken in all 50 states. Thats a hot item right there.
I’d like to see what happens when you drive around with plates like that. Momma jokes and general put-downs are ok on the forums, but not making fun of racists? WTF? I guess that is parallel to steroids being considered acceptable, but entheogens not. On topic, I would want FT TON to go on my GIWASAd-to-hell Viper with a foot ton of torque.