Hi im 33 years old, 190lb and around 12% body fat.
I’ve been doing 12 week test e cycles on and off for about 6 years Following the time on = time off rule usually about 500mg to 750mg a week, using nolvadex as pct.
I am now 3 months since finishing pct from my last cycle and I feel good. So to confirm I’m recovered i got blood work done which is the following:
Everthing seemed fine on my first bloods so I wanted a bit more info on my blood count and lipids etc so I got another set done 7 days later. Only this time my testosterone had doubled to a really high level to somewhere around 1100. I fasted for 12 hours and I am taking no other medication or supplements apart from vitamins.
Here are my latest results:
So what my question is … Is this normal to jump up so much or do you think labs have made an error? I’m worried that my results are so wildly different only a week apart that my results aren’t reliable.