Computer Crashed... Linux?

[quote]admbaum wrote:
I like doing stupid shit on my windows PC and watching all the preventative measures I take on PC’s come alive and block everything thrown at it. Its fun.

Dirtbag, Linux is not at all pointless for what he wants to do. Many people use it for exactly the purposes he’s describing. Thunderbird downloads your email just fine. Does it sync with exchange servers and all that? No. But he said he’s surfing porn and buying shit online, he doesn’t need an enterprise level office suite. I also haven’t found a media file that can’t play on Linux, specifically VLC, with the exception of Windows Media Center recorded television and Netflix. Hulu and Amazon work fine though.

For the enterprise desktop, yes, unless you run a predominantly or completely Linux shop, you’ll have problems.

I seriously tried a switch to Linux (Ubuntu, since there was such a large user base and a huge QA forum) from XP and Vista.
In the end it was a fucking waste of my time, though I enjoyed toying with it and learning the basic ins and outs. I never quite got the whole compiling binary thing for installing certain programs. The packet manager was a breeze though.

In the end, here’s what I think about Ubuntu. It’s fine if surfing the web is really ALL YOU DO, but when a problem comes out (this codec missing, flash player issues, multimedia in general) or when you want to do ANYTHING out of the ordinary (Canon printer drivers: fuck em), you run through a fucking gauntlet to fix things.
I gave up 6 months in, figuring, hey XP isn’t exactly shit. It runs quick on my PC, and is pretty ‘secure’ with Defender and a decent free Antivirus software running.
Why jump through hoops when you don’t really have to.

[quote]Vegita wrote:
IE sucks my balls.


I need that version of IE!


[quote]buffalokilla wrote:

[quote]johnnytang24 wrote:
Vim instead of notepad[/quote]

Also, VIM is a great operating system, it just needs a good text editor.

Meh, if you’re so anal you care about an extra KB of memory, you can disable colors, python, folding, etc.

[quote]buffalokilla wrote:


Funny stuff. That’s almost my entire work day summarized right there. I prolly ask “whats your user name?” hundreds of times a day. Man I hate people who “use” computers, I wish I could just work out all day instead.

Back to the point, yes *nix can be a pain for the uninitiated but *nix machines do a whole lot more for our experience on the net than M$ does by far. More immediately, when windoze goes poopy, which it does often, you can use a live *nix distro to recover your “valuable data”.

As a preventative measure, everyone running windoze should think about partitioning their OS drive just big enough to manage the OS and partition the rest of the drive for storage. That way your 500GB C drive wont have to be reformatted when windoze craps out. You’ll only need to reformat/reinstall on a drive less than 20GB. Its much faster and no data is lost. And build your own PC’s FFS.

If you can hook up a VCR and follow simple instructions, you can build your own PC. You get out cheaper, have more control of your machine and will never need to call tech support. Most tech support people you get over the phone have less experience and training than you do…ie Geek squad. All you need is a GED and the ability to use a web browser to work there. I love their latest commercial. They act like they invented remote desktop access.

[quote]admbaum wrote:

[quote]buffalokilla wrote:


Funny stuff. That’s almost my entire work day summarized right there. I prolly ask “whats your user name?” hundreds of times a day. Man I hate people who “use” computers, I wish I could just work out all day instead.

Back to the point, yes *nix can be a pain for the uninitiated but *nix machines do a whole lot more for our experience on the net than M$ does by far. More immediately, when windoze goes poopy, which it does often, you can use a live *nix distro to recover your “valuable data”.

As a preventative measure, everyone running windoze should think about partitioning their OS drive just big enough to manage the OS and partition the rest of the drive for storage. That way your 500GB C drive wont have to be reformatted when windoze craps out. You’ll only need to reformat/reinstall on a drive less than 20GB. Its much faster and no data is lost. And build your own PC’s FFS.

If you can hook up a VCR and follow simple instructions, you can build your own PC. You get out cheaper, have more control of your machine and will never need to call tech support. Most tech support people you get over the phone have less experience and training than you do…ie Geek squad. All you need is a GED and the ability to use a web browser to work there. I love their latest commercial. They act like they invented remote desktop access.[/quote]


AdamBomb? From Halo 2?

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:

AdamBomb? From Halo 2?[/quote]

Negative…I use admbaum for nearly all my online names cause adambomb is usually taken. I havent been gaming that much at all these last few years. Being in the IT industry makes me hate computers and when my day is done, the last thing I wanna do is sit in front of one. My job used to be just like this:

but I got caught gaming one day by our company pres when they moved our department out of our “cave”. I miss that place.

Have you tried UBCD?

I’d suggest you give Win7 a shot personally.

Everyone who is bashing Ubuntu is a moron. It is very user friendly.

Windows 7 is still windows. It’s just a patched up version of Vista. It still sucks donkey dick.

Tired of networking issues? Blue screen of death? all the bullshit that comes with windows?

try Ubuntu for a week or 2. I bet you won’t go back.

[quote]i work out wrote:
Everyone who is bashing Ubuntu is a moron. It is very user friendly.

Windows 7 is still windows. It’s just a patched up version of Vista. It still sucks donkey dick.

Tired of networking issues? Blue screen of death? all the bullshit that comes with windows?

try Ubuntu for a week or 2. I bet you won’t go back.[/quote]

Wow your powers of persuasion are excellent.

Windows 7 is indeed still WINDOWS.

I did try Ubuntu for a week or two and did not like it.

i ran slackware quite a few years back as a dual boot to windows 98. i was more into computers then and had time to learn and figure out new stuff. windows ran the disk defrag one day, it messed up both partitions and i had to reinstall everything, that was my last experience with it. my version i was running commands off a command prompt to get programs to load, it was cool but more techy than i would want now.

now i just need the computer for email, forums, buying stuff. windows xp suits my needs and doesnt crash on me. all i need it to do is find my wireless internet.