Compounds Necessary for Aesthetics?

I have a question when training for purely aesthetics are lifts like deadlifts or squats really needed? Can you not just do things like leg curls, leg extensions that isolate the muscles??

It’s possible I’m sure, but you’d have to ask yourself a lot of questions:

  1. At what expense? (in terms of loss of athletic ability and the potential injury)

  2. How much longer might it take to reach your goal?

  3. Why am I allergic to hard work?

And don’t tell me you don’t belong to a gym so you can’t do them (the most common excuse I hear). You can certainly do front squats and deadlifts at home without a rack.

The REAL reason most people avoid them is because they’re pussies or afraid of ‘hurting their back’ (aka pussies 90% of the time).

I was just asking. I do have a gym membership and I always do squats and deadlifts but I was just wondering if they were really necessary. I am not really training to pick up heavy shit or compete, I train purely for aesthetics and basketball.

another question is about full body and split training, for most of my training years I have concentrated on full body workouts and have made good progrss but more in a power and speed sense. People always put an emphasize on how full body training is better when training for sports ot overall conditioning.

If this is so would split routines not be better for aesthetics seeing how you concentrate on certain muscle groups on different days being able to do more compound movements and isolation movements for each muscle?

Neccessary? I doubt it. Do any sort of weights for long enough and eat enough and you’ll get big and strong. I think they would help you accomplish your goals faster though.

Vince Gironda never liked either and he and his students seemed to do ok :wink:
From my own experience I would disagree with your title but not your post. I think if your not going to squat+deadlift (I don’t) then you need to do things like; lunges (all directions), step-ups, one leg deadlifts+squats, swings, db or kettlebell snatches+cleans ect. Otherwise i’m not sure that you will get anywhere. My favorite is the reverse lunge (step backwards rather than forwards) as this will allow you to use more weight than the standard lunge.
Good luck!

[quote]determined88 wrote:
another question is about full body and split training, for most of my training years I have concentrated on full body workouts and have made good progrss but more in a power and speed sense. People always put an emphasize on how full body training is better when training for sports ot overall conditioning.

If this is so would split routines not be better for aesthetics seeing how you concentrate on certain muscle groups on different days being able to do more compound movements and isolation movements for each muscle?[/quote]

everything works youve always done full body Id get board as hell I love full body but for god sakes get out of the cave your in live a little and try something new it wont kill ya may be fun and give some progress. Try and upper lower split, push, pull, legs. Hell break it all the way down to chest, back, legs, shoulders and arms.

They will all give results as long as you bring intensity to them.


Unilateral isolation work is probably even better for aesthetics and function.