Comparing Test Doses - Scrotal Cream vs. Injections

Hi guys,

Does anyone know what 1ml (50mg of test) of the scrotal cream is equivalent to injection wise?

I donā€™t have many on a cream, but they get 150-300mg daily. Guys taking injections get 100-200mg weekly.

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How are they feeling in general? Are they on the cream mostly because they donā€™t want to inject or do you see a difference in results?

I would say fair. Some use a cream because they read about it on the internet, most of those eventually end up with injections. Most do not want injections, some of them end up with injections.

Thanks, thatā€™s kind of discouraging. I was hoping the cream could make a significant difference. I guess it could still for me, Iā€™ll just have to try at some point.

Maybe in the end it really is true that Testosterone is Testosterone and administration route or esters donā€™t really change anything, and lack of results are due to poor genetic response to the drug or other hormonal deficiencies

That is just my experience based on what is reported to me. A lot of men use creams and some practices use them exclusively, so they must work for some. Give it a try.

Thanks highpull

Is there a reason that cream users take (using the low end) 150mg x 7 = 1,050mg a week, whereas an equivalent weekly dose (also on the low end) is 100mg? It looks like the injections are 10x more effective at delivering testosterone?

I will. Iā€™ve just started Test Prop to see whether it makes a difference. It seems to make a big difference for some men.

My DHEA completely crashed when I started TRT, dropped from ~200 to 80. I didnā€™t test Preg before TRT, but itā€™s very low now so it mightā€™ve taken a hit with the rest of my adrenals.

I wonder if part of that is the really stable, top of the range T levels Iā€™ve been running with daily injections of Test C. Someone said they saw a restoration of their Progesterone to much higher levels after moving to Test Prop, theorizing that the higher variance between peaks and troughs leads to less supression of the HPTA.

Iā€™m also wondering whether thereā€™s a desensitization of Dopamine receptors with really stable levels that stay at the top of the range, eventually leading to a kind of ā€œmehā€¦ā€ feeling after a while.

Injections are 100% absorbed. Creams are not even close, vary from individual to individual.


I doubt it.

No, the hypothalamus is suppressed, period, peak or trough.

Interesting theory, but I donā€™t hear many say they feel like that.

Good luck with the propionate.


Thanks man, also for being honest. Hope is good but delusion isnā€™t.

On the flip side a guy on another forum mentioned that switching to Test Prop completely changed his TRT experience and he actually saw in his blood tests much lower E2 levels on Prop than Enanthate, so who knowsā€¦

Yeah, there is always a guy on a forum. It wonā€™t hurt you so no harm in trying it. If you like it, great. Iā€™ve used most everything, didnā€™t notice any difference with prop. N=1.

Haha there you go dashing my hopes again. Out of curiosity whatā€™s your personal protocol if you donā€™t mind saying? If you donā€™t feel any difference between esters, do you feel any difference in terms of injection frequency?

I donā€™t know the comparisons but I wasted 10 years with gels for an average T level of 450.
Pin is the way to go. It takes 5 minutes to learn how and 5 minutes a week to do it.
200 once a week has my T level at 650 on trough day. No issues with hct level, either.

Topicals lose the advantage of injections of lean muscle in the lower extremity, increasing lean body mass and improving muscle strength by 10ā€“13%, and topicals only 2ā€“5% in lower extremity and upper extremity strength.

Topicals is a win for higher DHT levels though. Also, men report higher libidos and wellbeing on topicals.

As for Jatenzo, a relatively new oral TRT option, itā€™s second place for highest DHT levels and higher Free T versus topicals.

Would it mean that (generally speaking) topicals and Jatenzo may have a bigger contribution for hair loss and prostate enlargement due to higher DHT conversion ?

160-180mg once weekly. Mostly 160.

No. As long as they are no further apart than a week.

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Yes and yes.

On the other hand, Iā€™ve seen some guys, decent dose of testosterone, high total and free levels, not crazy high, but high enough they should be getting results, but they are not. Check DHT, itā€™s average. Increase testosterone, say to a ā€œmassive dose,ā€ 200mg, or 220mg, (at least according to some) and surprise, all good. There is just no one size fits all.

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There is no direct comparison.

Iā€™ve never tried weekly, I made a lot of assumptions based on reading around and the new school of thought that maximum stability is best.

Iā€™ll give it a try also, maybe itā€™ll work great for me and then I also donā€™t have to worry about injecting myself every day. Iā€™ll do it if thatā€™s what it takes to feel good, but all other things being equal once a week sounds much betterā€¦