Hey everyone. Another fat boy here trying to get back into it. I used to be a very fit person in high school and through my first 2 years in college, but drinking and being a couch potato for three years screwed that up.
Height: 6’2"
Weight: 370
BF: at least 30%
-Drop down to at least 240 by 07/25/2010 (drastic but hey family has a history of diabetes, hypertension, and high blood pressure. So far 4 uncles, 5 aunties, and I don’t know how many cousins are either diagnosed with at least one of the following or died from one of them)
-Be accepted into Honolulu or Hilo Fire Dept. by either the first or second class after this hiring freeze by the state.
-Drop from a size 52 to a size 34 by 07/25/2010
-No real goals for my weight training. I just want to either maintain or gain.
Training: Push/Pull similar to an article on here. Just search Push/Pull and the first article should be the one.
Conditioning (all around anaerobic/aerobic): Primary goal
Resistance Training: Maintain or Gain
Muscle: Maintain or Gain
Diet: cleaning it up. it’s better than before but it could be better once i find a job and get some money in my pocket that will allow me to do it better.
Well that’s all I want to right on this subject for now. Will post first day of training on my next post.
-Knee Push-ups: 130 reps…took me 5 sets…I can do regular push-ups but no way could I have gotten over 60 reps…I was looking just to bring some blood back into the upper body area
-Band Pulls: Traps- 5x20
-Band Pulls: Back- 5x20
Not bad, wish I had something else besides a band to do back pulls with though.
A1. Overhand Deadlift: 135x8, 185x8, 235x8, 285x8, 135x5…i guess grip strength does improve quickly
A2. Barbell Curls: 60x4x12…will use 70’s next week (i hate doing biceps)
B1. Trap Bar Deadlifts: 135x10, 225x2x10
B2. Assisted Machine Pull-Up: 230x2x8, 250x7…fucked up here, this exercise was supposed to be the focus of this pairing. Not the deadlift…won’t let that happen again.
C. T-Bar Row: 3Px3x12 (P = plates)
D. Rear Delt Fly: 100x15, 80x3x20, 80x25…was waiting for a pull-down machine so i figured i could get some more rear delt work.
E. Pull-Downs: 140x12, 160x2x12…nice and easy, just to get some blood flow