Came off TRT about 8 weeks ago,switching to new doctor who will give AI and HCG. Dr wanted new fresh start. I did a Clomid PCT with 100mg ED for first few weeks, then 50 ED for three weeks and now 25 ED. Labs results are Total T 419 (349-1197) Free T 12.7 (6.8 - 21.5) DHEA 113.3 (71.6 -375.4) TSH 1.500 (0.450 -4.500) LH 9.7 High (1.7 -8.6) E2 Sensitive 33.1 (8.0-35.0)
Have not done AI for about three weeks because it had got low at about 7… Can I assume I am secondary? Should I consider staying on Clomid, should T be higher after seven weeks of clomid. Thanks for any help!
i don’t get this ‘fresh start’ idea i see docs want sometimes. seems like it’d be best to switch immediately to a sensible starting protocol, wait for things to stabilize, then draw new labs and adjust.
This is stupid, especially the high SERM dose with extreme LH levels.
Your testicular response is not good relative to your LH levels. But 100mg clomid may have desensitized your LH receptors. So you really don’t know whats going on. Was this PCT your own bro-science?
[quote]KSman wrote:
This is stupid, especially the high SERM dose with extreme LH levels.
Your testicular response is not good relative to your LH levels. But 100mg clomid may have desensitized your LH receptors. So you really don’t know whats going on. Was this PCT your own bro-science?
There are 7 stickies in this forum. Suggest:
advice for new guys - NOTE first paragraph
protocol for injections
finding a TRT doc
Thanks KSMan,
It was from Naps PCT protocol. My Lh and FSH were in the tank when I started the Clomid.
So was looking for a Jump start to see if I was Primary or Secondary.I never knew because GP only did Testosterone Labs…Looks as though the clomid will not get me to normal ranges. So will probably start up new protocol with New doc of test, HCG and AI if needed. do I need to taper off Clomid or can I start ASAP.
Going now read stickies ,
Have you looked at those stickies? You should and forget everything that you picked up from BB sites.
You can do TRT at any time. But doc might want a baseline…
You should get off of Clomid, well tapered out, before starting hCG as you do not want the combined hit on your LH receptors.
If you are wanting a HPTA restart [PCT], totally different project.