Hi guys, i usually log on another site, but i bought a bottle of Micro PA so i figured i’d start a log here to document my experience. I’m 5’11 and currently weigh 191.8 lbs. (Weighed myself as i’m writing and i ate recently, so probably not entirely accurate. Not sure how much weight is water/food.) My most recent PR’s are
Bench: 215x1
Squat 265x3 <-really needs improvement
OHP: 135x3
Deadlift 315x5 sumo, 315x2 standard (doing regular style for now)
I’ve been doing CT’s layer system for a few months now and am starting on his most recent variation tailored for micro pa, although slightly modified.
My week looks like this:
DAY 1. bench press & lats/rear delts/biceps
DAY 2. Squat & delts/tris/pecs
DAY 3. OHP & lats/rear delts/biceps
DAY 4. Front squat &delts/tris/pecs
DAY 5. Barbell row & quads/hams/abs
I also will be doing 2x5 deadlifts at around 50-60% max as a warmup every workout day just to keep my technique up. Other than that, the layout of a workout looks like this:
1 Super slow Eccentric (6 seconds) sets 2x5-6 at 60-70%
2 ramp to 3rm, 3 sec negative on first rep only
3 2x5 paused reps at 70%
4 Accesory/pump work for the PREVIOUS DAYS main lift
5 loaded carries
As for my diet, i basically eat like this The Simple Diet although with all the things he says to avoid for cutting, lol.
Bench press:
115x6 (6 second negative)
135x5 (6 second negative)
135x5 (3 second paused reps)
135x5 ( 3 sec paused reps)
I was planning on hitting around 200 today but my form got a little shaky at 185 so i called it there. I haven’t gone heavy in a couple weeks (was doing CT’s “opposite program”) and i’m also not used to accentuated negatives.
Close grip lat pulldown
seated incline curls
I only lowered the weight about 3/4 of the way between reps to keep tension on the biceps and this turned out to be way harder than expected, lol.
incline rear delt flys
Goblet carry
the distance here is an educated guess, i walk back and forth in a space that i’m estimating is about 24 feet for 6 laps a minute.
Bent over rows
45 lb x 10 reps
95 lb x 5 reps 6 second negative
115 lb x 5 reps 6 second negative
125 lb x 3 reps
135 lb x 3 reps
145 lb x 3 reps
165 lb x 3 reps
115 lb x 5 reps 3 sec pause
115 lb x 5 reps 3 sec pause
leg extenstions
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
lying leg curls
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
farmers walks
144 ft | 65 lb
144 ft | 65 lb
96 ft | 65 lb
Front Barbell Squat
65 lb x 10 reps
65 lb x 10 reps
95 lb x 5 reps 6 second negative
115 lb x 5 reps 6 second negative
135 lb x 3 reps
155 lb x 3 reps
165 lb x 3 reps
175 lb x 3 reps
185 lb x 3 reps
115 lb x 5 reps 3 sec pause
115 lb x 5 reps 3 sec pause
Wow paused front squats suck ass.
Close-Grip Lat Pulldown
95 lb x 15 reps
105 lb x 15 reps
105 lb x 15 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
25 lb x 8 reps
25 lb x 8 reps
25 lb x 8 reps
these were done on an incline bench. I also didnt lower the weight all the way between reps, turned out to be very hard.
Rear Delt Fly
25 lb x 15 reps
25 lb x 15 reps
25 lb x 15 reps
Apparently my rear delts are weak as shit, i could barely get a halfway range of motion. Will be staying at this weight for a while and just trying to improve ROM.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
85 lb x 5 reps 6 second negative
95 lb x 5 reps 6 second negative
105 lb x 3 reps
115 lb x 3 reps
125 lb x 3 reps
95 lb x 5 reps 3 sec pause
95 lb x 5 reps 3 sec pause
Leg Extensions
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
Lying Leg Curls
55 lb x 12 reps
55 lb x 12 reps
55 lb x 12 reps
Hanging Straight Leg Raise
10 reps
10 reps
10 reps
Yeah so i clearly have a shitload of workouts to add to this log. I have them all recorded i’ve just been crazy busy with school and work. Still hitting them gym though.
I should note that i weighed in today at 197. I’ve been as high as 202 over the course of the last two weeks. Can’t all be muscle but i don’t feel like ive gained much fat if any either.
Barbell Squat
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
155 lb x 5 reps
185 lb x 5 reps
205 lb x 3 reps
225 lb x 3 reps
245 lb x 3 reps
265 lb x 3 reps
185 lb x 5 reps
185 lb x 5 reps
first two sets of 5 done with slow negative, last two done with 3 second pause
Machine Bench Press
90 lb x 15 reps
90 lb x 15 reps
90 lb x 15 reps
Machine Lateral Raise
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
Lying Barbell Triceps Extension (“Skullcrusher”)
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
65 lb x 12 reps
Front Barbell Squat
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 5 reps
135 lb x 5 reps
165 lb x 3 reps
175 lb x 3 reps
185 lb x 3 reps
195 lb x 3 reps (PR)
135 lb x 5 reps
135 lb x 5 reps
first two sets of 5 done with 5 second negative, last two done with 3 second pause
Straight Arm Pulldown
35 lb x 15 reps
35 lb x 15 reps
35 lb x 15 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
25 lb x 10 reps
25 lb x 10 reps
25 lb x 10 reps
Rear Delt Fly
10 lb x 15 reps
10 lb x 15 reps
10 lb x 15 reps
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
85 lb x 5 reps
95 lb x 5 reps
105 lb x 3 reps
115 lb x 3 reps
120 lb x 3 reps
125 lb x 3 reps
95 lb x 5 reps
95 lb x 5 reps
first two warmup sets done with 5 second negative, last two at 95 were done with a 3 second pause in the middle
Body Weight Bulgarian Split Squat
15 reps
15 reps
15 reps (PR)
5 bottom partials, 5 full reps and 5 top half partials per set
tuesday 3/11
Barbell Bench Press
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 5 reps
125 lb x 5 reps
155 lb x 3 reps
165 lb x 3 reps
175 lb x 3 reps
185 lb x 3 reps
135 lb x 5 reps
135 lb x 5 reps
first two sets of 5 done with 5 second negative, last two done paused for 3 seconds.
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
55 lb x 10 reps
55 lb x 10 reps
55 lb x 10 reps
Face Pull
30 lb x 15 reps
30 lb x 15 reps
30 lb x 15 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
25 lb x 11 reps
25 lb x 11 reps
25 lb x 10 reps
Barbell Squat
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
105 lb x 5 reps
125 lb x 5 reps
165 lb x 5 reps
190 lb x 5 reps
205 lb x 3 reps
225 lb x 3 reps
245 lb x 3 reps
275 lb x 3 reps (PR)
185 lb x 5 reps
185 lb x 5 reps
first four warmup sets were done with a 5 second negative, last two at 185 were paused for 3 seconds
Machine Bench Press
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
Machine Triceps Extension
70 lb x 12 reps
70 lb x 12 reps (PR)
70 lb x 10 reps
Machine Lateral Raise
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
Bent Over Barbell Row
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
95 lb x 5 reps
115 lb x 5 reps
135 lb x 3 reps
145 lb x 3 reps
155 lb x 3 reps
165 lb x 3 reps
115 lb x 5 reps
115 lb x 5 reps
first two sets of 5 done with 5 second negatives, last two paused for 3 seconds
Leg Extensions
60 lb x 15 reps
60 lb x 15 reps
60 lb x 15 reps
Seated Leg Curl
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
70 lb x 15 reps
Front Barbell Squat
45 lb x 10 reps
45 lb x 10 reps
115 lb x 5 reps
135 lb x 5 reps
155 lb x 3 reps
160 lb x 3 reps
165 lb x 3 reps
170 lb x 3 reps
175 lb x 3 reps
135 lb x 5 reps
135 lb x 5 reps
first two sets of 5 done with slow negative, last two done with 3 second pause.
One-Arm Dumbbell Row
30 lb x 10 reps
30 lb x 10 reps
30 lb x 10 reps
these are actually chest supported rows dunno why fito doesnt have an option for these.
Rear Delt Fly
15 lb x 15 reps
15 lb x 15 reps
15 lb x 15 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
30 lb x 8 reps
30 lb x 8 reps
30 lb x 8 reps