Combining Olympic Weightlifting and Strongman Training

Hello everyone

I want to combine olympic weightlifting and strongman Training.
The idea behind is to train olys in the morning and strongman in the evening. My training days ar from monday till friday.
Can somone give me some inputs?

Most strongman competitors don’t actually do event-specific training more than once, maybe twice per week. So I think Strongman training every evening is a bad idea. Too taxing.

So, there is already overlap between strongman and oly lifting. oly lifting can definitely help you to be a better strongman. Do you plan to compete in one or both of these? If so, how do you prioritize them? Your specific goals can really help to figure out how to approach this.

I think the Oly training will do a great job at making you explosive, an good job at making you strong, a terrible job at conditioning you and probably a bad job at making you endure suffering lol

So… I would probably add deadlifting and static overhead pressing during the week. Some sandbag work. You should drop something from your Oly training to make up for it.

When you have an actual strongman contest, I’d drop all that, lower the Oly lifting volume - do just enough to maintain technique - and add the events you are going to compete in. Its going to take a few rounds of this to get upto scratch on stones, axle, yoke etc.

This is going to bitch ass juggling act though as strongman can be a total bastard to recover from and so much time needa to go into Oly training.

Good luck.

Thank you for your replay

Here is a example Week:

Monday Morning:
1a Plyos 5x5
1b Band Pull aparts 5x20
1c Revers Hyper 5x15-20

2 Snatch 10x1 (dynE)
3 C&J 10x1 (dynE)


Monday Evening:

1a Press Variation 3-6x3 DynE
1b Abs 3-6 to max

2a Deadlift Variation ramp to 3 max (always one in the thank)
2b Pull ups Variation x5 (As many Sets as 2a)

3a Squat Variation 5x5/5x3/5x1 Use RPE System never go to failure
3b Row Variation 5x6-10
3c Bench Variation 5x6-10

4 Event Loaded Carry/Load etc. 3 Sets

Tuesday Morning:
1a Plyos 5x5
1b Band Pull aparts 5x20
1c Revers Hyper 5x15-20

2 Snatch Variation EMOM 10/15/20x1 (80 %)
3 C&J Variaton EMOM 10/15/20x1 (80 %)

4 Conditioning

Wendesday Evening:

1a Box Squat 3-6x2 DynE
1b Abs 3-6 to max

2a Press Variation ramp to 1 max (always one in the thank)
2b Row Variation x6-10 (As many Sets as 2a)

3a Deadlift Variation 5x5/5x3/5x1 Use RPE System never go to failure
3b Pull ups 5x6-10

4 Event Arm over Arm/ Truck Pull etc. 3 sets

Thursday Morning
1a Plyos 5x5
1b Band Pull aparts 5x20
1c Revers Hyper 5x15-20

2 Snatch Progression Complex (realy light) 5x1
3 C&J Progression Complex (realy light) 5x1

4 Conditioning

Friday morning
1a Plyos 5x5
1b Band Pull aparts 5x20
1c Revers Hyper 5x15-20

2 Snatch Variation Ramp to 3x1
3 C&J Variation Ramp to 3x1

4 Conditioning

Friday evening

1a Deadlift Variation 3-6x1 DynE
1b Abs 3-6 to max

2a Squat Variation Ramp to 5 max (always one in the thank)
2b Bench Variation Ramp to 5 max (always one in the thank)

3a Press Variation 5x5/5x3/5x1 Use RPE System never go to failure
3b Pull up Pull ups 5x6-10
3c High Pull Variation 5x3-5

4 Event 3 Sets

I like to work with autoregulation and RPE System just to never tax out

Hi Flipcollar
I thank you for your answer.

Im Planing to do 1 event on every time I train in the evening (3 times) monday wednesday friday.
Because in my normal routine I train Deadlift and Press i do not plan to train Press and DL as a event. Here are some of the Events im planing to train:
Farmers and Front Carry Variations
Sandbag, Keg, Stone Loading or over shoulder
Truck Pull, Arm over Arm, Throwing

On the events Im not planing to go heavy right now.
I want to just get faster.
From time to time im gonna do medleys or change the Event with Press to do a medley on clean and Press
Right now im not planing to compete in either one. (I live in Switzerland. Either sport is not so popular here)

I have 3 Month time to train twice a day but only under the Week. I never thought that olys where taxing and normaly I could train them every day. The Idea behind is to do dynE on Monday (singles at 70%/75%/80%)
On tuesday i do Hang or Rack versions of the lifts in EMOM sets at 80% just to put some more reps

Wednesday no training in the morning

Thursday i do Progession lifts in a complex realy light (50%) just as preperation for friday.
Thurday evening no Strongman training.

Friday morning im ramping in a Variation of the lifts and only 3 Sets per lift. Just like in a competition

yes, I agree with that. To clarify, I was saying the strongman stuff is taxing, not the oly stuff. I agree that oly lifting can be done with very high frequency, that’s pretty standard.

I think your plan sounds pretty good. As long as you’re working more for speed than heavy weights on your event days, I think the volume should be manageable. I assume that you’ll eventually start to work towards heavier weights for practice. When you do that, I’d begin to reduce volume. Maybe go down to 2 strongman sessions a week, or even 1 as you approach a competition. Specifically, don’t train very heavy carries or heavy stones more than once per week.