Who here listens to Coldplay? I have all their albums and enjoy them all, although X&Y is the weakest one. Their newest album Viva La Vida is great with a mix of beats and rhythms. Viva la Vida and Violet Hill are my two favorite songs from the album. Hopefully I’ll be going to their concert when they come down here in November.
After I shaved my head with a #3 and trimmed my beard a girl on a plane to Texas told me I “look just like Coldplay”. I didn’t take it as a compliment.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
why did I click on this thread (after seeing it had a pic attached) and think there would be a Vida Guerrera (sp) picture attached.
That painting is by French Romantic painter Delacroix, called “Liberty Leading The People”. It was painted to celebrate the French Revolution.
Personally, I am more partial to Gustave Courbet. I believe he was the first to paint female genetalia…Pussy.
Google “Courbet, The Origin of the World.” It’s a big hairy vagina. Kinda gross, I prefer shaved bald, but hey, I guess that’s how the French roll. Hairy.
I took art history last semester. I couldn’t resist. Sorry.
Love coldplay, love the new album, and am going to the concert in November when they come to Kansas City. I like “Lost” and “Death and All His Friends” on the new album as well. Great tracks.