A little about me. I am 35 years old almost 36 in November. for about the first 8 years of my journey in lifting I was inconsistent and did not know WTF I was doing. Over the past 3 years I discovered Tnation and all the great people here and learned a bunch.
I also got involved with members of the Team Staley Forums on Charles Staley’s site and the crew over there taught me about Powerlifting. Over the past 2 years I have competed in PLing in the 165 class. I am only 5’6’ but have made some great progress.
Last July it all came crashing down. Due to a freak event during a regular massage treatment. The therapist that I had was a new one and she got to overzealous with my neck and basically tore my right carotid artery. Over the next 2 weeks I had 2 small strokes in my right frontal lobe. Long story short…I am okay no permanent damage, i.e.paralysis, but I have had to take the past 3 months off of training.
I have kept the diet in check during this time and I have been doing NEPA Walks everday. About 2 weeks ago I started doing Rippetoe’s S.S. program to regain some strength and I feel really great. I decided to finally start posting over here because I have been following the Livespill and all of Daryl Gee’s training. I love Thibs programs and in about 3 weeks I will be starting his Mechanical Drop Sets Program to regain some size and strength. I have a long journey ahead and I am excited about the future. Sorry for the long intro ,but needed to introduce myself here before I start posting my logs.
Once again catching up on the log…Joegood I definitely want to try something like sled work, hell as soon as I can I will buy a prowler. As for now probably have to wait until I get off of this lousy ass med Coumadin. My body did not seem to like the sprints too much about a day or so later it seems to not interact well with the coumadin. Funny thing is… some of the docs said to stay away from lifitng, but cardio activity was fine. I know sprinting is more anaerobic in nature, but that said the lifing does not bother me at all and it actually makes me feel better…go figure
DZombie thanks and you can say that again, but at least it was not caused by poor health status. The docs actually said I walked away w/ no permanent damage mainly because I was so healthy to begin with. The real scary part is that it’s a freak accident, but not an uncommon one. Lots of literature out there on strokes brought on by Chiropractic care and massage.
Anyway, need to catch up on the log
Last session was
2)OH PRess
3)Power Cleans ( I am finding out what I can do and I might substitute Power Snatch here instead, just feels better and listening to my body too )
4)Chin Medley
Wide 2-2-2-2
Chins 4-3-3
Close 2-2-2-2
Neutral 2-2-2
32 reps total, last session was 30, steady progress every session
5a)Ez incline skullcrusher
5b)Ez Bar curl
I finally get to go off the meds in exactly a week and I can ramp things up a bit more with the weights then. So I have 2 more S.S. sessions and then I will be using a strength/volume Program by Thibs. Mechanical drop sets. I have been eating clean for the past 3 months with only about 30 carbs a day to just start over as lean as possible. I am about 9-10% BF now which is okay and only 164lbs at 5’6’. I will definitely post some pics during the transformation process in my long journey for size.
Figured I would post a meet vid that I got to do before the shit hit the fan. It was New Mexico State for NASA Fed. Nothing ground breaking but not bad for a first full meet. A couple of months after this when I was getting ready to do Regionals and pull 405 at 165, which I Know I could have accomplished plus a better bench and squat. I had the stroke…
Thanks for sharing that meet vid. Boy, NASA meets look so different from USAPL. The judges for USAPL are in suit and tie. And those earbuds hanging on you would never have been permitted. Fun to watch.
Wow. You sure have had a tough road recently. I can relate to the frustrations of rehabbing. Looks like you’ll make rapid gains. I’ll be following your progress.
[quote]kpsnap wrote:
Thanks for sharing that meet vid. Boy, NASA meets look so different from USAPL. The judges for USAPL are in suit and tie. And those earbuds hanging on you would never have been permitted. Fun to watch.
Wow. You sure have had a tough road recently. I can relate to the frustrations of rehabbing. Looks like you’ll make rapid gains. I’ll be following your progress.[/quote]
Yeah, Kpsnap NASA seems a little less strict, but speaking of earbuds after that attempt the judge pulled me aside and told me he let it slide and I was really not allowed to be wearing them. oops. Good thing I had a nice judge.
My last Session today of S.S. before I leave my garage and go back to my actual gym where I normally trained before everything happened. I get pulled off the Coumadin this Thursday and I will be cleared to ramp things up with my training. I will be taking a very different approach to training now since it will be Bodybuilding focused. I will still use the big three lifts, but the accessory lifts will have more volume to them. I am actually going to start Thib’s Mecanical Drop Sets program on Thursday and I am really excited about it.
Anyway, here’s what today looked like.
AM: Nepa Walk w/ dogs and 20lbs vest for 35 min.
OH Press
3)Power Snatch
Chin Medley
Wide 3-2-2-2
Chins 5-3-3-2
Close 1-2-2
Neutral 2
That’s all I got today
5a) Ez Incline Skullcrusher
5b)Ez bar curl