I’m 5’8", 150 pounds at 7% body fat. My Full Squat 1RM is 305 pounds. Today I tried, first time ever, Glute-Ham raises. I could only do 12 repetitions and only 1 set, with a lot of assistance from my arms. I wanted to cry after not being able to start a second set. Is this normal, or just plain lame? What can I do to get better at this?
how I can help you is simple - you presently squat more than double your body weight with hamstrings that are underdeveloped. You may felt tortured in that set but you are a wealth of potential. Yes, you’ve got work to do but thats you will overcome that and can achieve greatness. Now tell me how I can help. I remain in faith, Coach Davies
About three months ago, I finally eliminated all kinds of machines. Now I only use free weights and cables. So, the last time I used the leg curl machine, I could do 10 reps with 100 pounds. Fast concentric, sloowwww eccentric. Does that still means I have underdeveloped hamstrings (taking into account my squat)? My current hamstring excercise is reverse hyper extension, and now glute-ham, one time a week, followed by static-pasive stretching at the end. I was thinking on doing glute-ham two times a week (tuesday and Friday), to get better on that. Sounds like a good idea? Should I train glute-ham more/less frequently? Thanks again.
This might make you feel better. Of the 9 people who I have seen do this exercise for the first time (me included), 2 could complete the set of 25. All had to use their hands, and of the others, 3 couldn’t complete the first rep.
But all of them can now do the movement proficiently. You’ll do fine.
Hey, don’t sweat it buddy. I am 16, I weigh 165, squat 355. I can’t do one glute ham raise w/o help. I do 3x5 glute ham raises, trying to do them w/ as little help as possible.
Just keep squatting(ass to da grass) work your hams w/ gh raises and deadlifts, and you’ll be fine
yep, I can FULL squat 305 pounds. But that’s my 1RM ( one repetition maximum ). It would be a suicide to try two reps with that weight… Thanks to all who replied for your support