Wife and I are trying to conceive. I’ve been on 200mg/wk test cyp (split up into twice weekly doses), HCG 250iU 3x/wk, and 1mg anastrozole divided up 2x/week…for about two years now.
I’ve had two complete semen analyses and while I don’t have the results in front of me, the count on both was low-average, motility was low-average, but strict morphology was a mere 2%…according to the docs this gives us a very small chance of conceiving naturally. The HCG has at least kept some testicular function but obviously not enough–or I’ve had the morphology problem since before TRT and it’s unrelated, which is possible as I’ve never tried to have a kid before…no way to know. But my LH and FSH are basically nil as you’d expect on TRT…other than that my labs are good and I don’t seem to have any physical problems.
Went to see a urologist today and he recommended stopping all three drugs immediately and completely. He prescribed Clomid 50mg ED for at least the next 90 days, with a hormone test in a month and another semen test in two. He said I should be fine, no need to taper because the Clomid will bump up my natural T quickly to compensate.
Does this seem like a reasonable course of action? I am planning to follow it and not change course unless I get some intolerable side effects, but would like to know what’s in store…just hoping that (a) the clomid kicks in quickly enough so that my test doesn’t crash, and (b) the dose isn’t so high as to be counterproductive or harmful…it seems to me that guys are taking far less than this (anywhere from 12.5mg EOD to 25mg ED). It also seems possible that this much clomid will drop my estrogen too far…I guess we’ll see. Anyone experience or knowledge on this?