Clenbuterol Cycle

I know there is many articles about this topic that I’ve located through the search function - BUT I have not located anything that I feel is an official use for the drug.

I’ve leaned on this forum on the past for incredibly useful information about steroids before and I’m hoping for the responses/experiences of people of whom would consider themselves very familiar with Clen.

I’ve done a lot of research about two week on/ two week off or a 30 day taper up and then taper off. Anyways I feel there is a lot of confusion on what an appropriate cycle is.

Regardless I have 100x40mg tablets of legitimate Clenbuterol and I would greatly appreciate some professional guidance on the best way to maximize the results from it.

Additionals that I’ve seen used with Clen is Taurine, T-3, and Benadryl - I believe the taurine is to reduce the cramps but the T3/Bena I have no idea what it’s uses are for; what I read is it cleans out clogged receptors for something important.

Thanks again and am looking forward to helpful responses.

Also because history is important I’ll just kind of throw down:

I’ve been a personal trainer for 5 years and was a lean 180lbs for the majority of it. The last 6 months I’ve moved in with my girlfriend and started law school which has thrown me way off my game and my weight jumped to 206.

Last year I did two cycle of test that made everything a complete game changer and experienced phenomenal results but my major side-effect was once I was off my motivation dipped supernaturally.

I’m using Clen as a jump-start to get rid of this disgusting fat and get my motivation back.

Thanks again,

I have considered a clen cycle but haven’t done one yet. Here are a few things I can answer.

Benedryl is to help with sleep, clen in the a.m., benedryl in the p.m. Most report some difficulty sleeping, so nice to have on hand. Better to take about 1 hour before bedtime than at 2 a.m. after staring at the ceiling for hours.

T3 is for thyroid and is a synergistic drug with the clen. You can take one or the other or both. T3 used improperly can permanently screw up your thyroid. If interested, try a cycle with each seperately before combining. Don’t combine for your first cycle. Clen is the safer of he two.

2 on 2 off still includes a ramp up of 2-4 days and seems to be the preferred method for most users.

[quote]AudiPT wrote:
Also because history is important I’ll just kind of throw down:

I’ve been a personal trainer for 5 years and was a lean 180lbs for the majority of it. The last 6 months I’ve moved in with my girlfriend and started law school which has thrown me way off my game and my weight jumped to 206.

Last year I did two cycle of test that made everything a complete game changer and experienced phenomenal results but my major side-effect was once I was off my motivation dipped supernaturally.

I’m using Clen as a jump-start to get rid of this disgusting fat and get my motivation back.

Thanks again,

Your motivations don’t jive with clen. Just go on a low carb diet.

I wouldn’t consider drugs until you are fine tuning things.

My opinion.

Oh, and I really wouldn’t do this during school. Plenty of time to get in shape over the summer and after you pass the bar. A friend told me before law school that if you aren’t studying, you are failing.

[quote]GoCal wrote:
I have considered a clen cycle but haven’t done one yet. Here are a few things I can answer.

Benedryl is to help with sleep, clen in the a.m., benedryl in the p.m. Most report some difficulty sleeping, so nice to have on hand. Better to take about 1 hour before bedtime than at 2 a.m. after staring at the ceiling for hours.

T3 is for thyroid and is a synergistic drug with the clen. You can take one or the other or both. T3 used improperly can permanently screw up your thyroid. If interested, try a cycle with each seperately before combining. Don’t combine for your first cycle. Clen is the safer of he two.

2 on 2 off still includes a ramp up of 2-4 days and seems to be the preferred method for most users. [/quote]

Thanks for clarifying the Benedryl and T3, I read a few things regarding “Cleaning out the receptors” - More research to follow this.

So would an appropriate 2 on 2 off be an example of:

  1. 40mg
  2. 40mg
  3. 60mg
  4. 60mg
  5. 80mg
  6. 80mg
  7. 100mg
  8. 100mg
  9. 120mg
  10. 120mg
  11. 80mg
  12. 80mg
  13. 40mg

Dosages are safe, from what I’ve researched, around 40mg-160mg. But how useful is the taper up to the taper down? Thanks again for the information.

And yes Law School sucks.

[quote]GoCal wrote:
I have considered a clen cycle but haven’t done one yet. Here are a few things I can answer.

Benedryl is to help with sleep, clen in the a.m., benedryl in the p.m. Most report some difficulty sleeping, so nice to have on hand. Better to take about 1 hour before bedtime than at 2 a.m. after staring at the ceiling for hours.[/quote]

Benadryl upregulates beta receptors which clen downregulates which is why it starts to lose effectiveness after 2 weeks

[quote]GoCal wrote:
T3 used improperly can permanently screw up your thyroid.[/quote]

[quote]GoCal wrote:
Clen is the safer of he two.[/quote]

[quote]GoCal wrote:
2 on 2 off still includes a ramp up of 2-4 days and seems to be the preferred method for most users. [/quote]

ramping up and down is not necessary with either clen or t3

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]GoCal wrote:
I have considered a clen cycle but haven’t done one yet. Here are a few things I can answer.

Benedryl is to help with sleep, clen in the a.m., benedryl in the p.m. Most report some difficulty sleeping, so nice to have on hand. Better to take about 1 hour before bedtime than at 2 a.m. after staring at the ceiling for hours.[/quote]

Benadryl upregulates beta receptors which clen downregulates which is why it starts to lose effectiveness after 2 weeks

[quote]GoCal wrote:
T3 used improperly can permanently screw up your thyroid.[/quote]

[quote]GoCal wrote:
Clen is the safer of he two.[/quote]

[quote]GoCal wrote:
2 on 2 off still includes a ramp up of 2-4 days and seems to be the preferred method for most users. [/quote]

ramping up and down is not necessary with either clen or t3[/quote]

Thanks for this. Would you do me the service of explaining how I can safely and effectively use Clen/T3/Benadryl to maximize my results?

OP, I would strongly recommend never using t3 unless you are using aas alongside it as it is very catabolic.

clen, tho the less safe between the two, can be used without aas… but the effects will be poor if your diet/cardio/workouts are subpar

I didn’t see anyone mention it so I suppose I will… you may want to look into low dose DNP

[quote]AudiPT wrote:

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]GoCal wrote:
I have considered a clen cycle but haven’t done one yet. Here are a few things I can answer.

Benedryl is to help with sleep, clen in the a.m., benedryl in the p.m. Most report some difficulty sleeping, so nice to have on hand. Better to take about 1 hour before bedtime than at 2 a.m. after staring at the ceiling for hours.[/quote]

Benadryl upregulates beta receptors which clen downregulates which is why it starts to lose effectiveness after 2 weeks

[quote]GoCal wrote:
T3 used improperly can permanently screw up your thyroid.[/quote]

[quote]GoCal wrote:
Clen is the safer of he two.[/quote]

[quote]GoCal wrote:
2 on 2 off still includes a ramp up of 2-4 days and seems to be the preferred method for most users. [/quote]

ramping up and down is not necessary with either clen or t3[/quote]

Thanks for this. Would you do me the service of explaining how I can safely and effectively use Clen/T3/Benadryl to maximize my results?

use test E 500mg a week with proper ancillaries and a proper pct at the end

use clen, I would start at 120mcg/day and go no higher, use Benadryl alongside it to extend it’s effectiveness

start low with t3, 25mcg/day and ramp up SLOWLY. I would not recommend going above 75mcg a day EVER

[quote]AudiPT wrote:

Thanks for this. Would you do me the service of explaining how I can safely and effectively use Clen/T3/Benadryl to maximize my results?

Yep. It’s simple. Start a cutting diet. Try anything that you feel will suit your lifestyle (study, work, etc). Eat and train with the one goal in mind of keeping muscle while dropping fat. Usually a keto diet or the metabolic diet will do this. If you have the money, do the V-diet. They all work using much the same principles. The V-diet is very easy as it’s just shakes all week.

Once you have dropped the fat down to about 8-9% bodyfat, then use the Clen to push through to a leaner look.

So, in other words, man up you lazy fuk. Diet will do all you need. Stop being a whiney bitch and put some effort in. You will be amazed at the amount of character you will attain by doing like a man and not some fat fukka on the Oprah show looking for an easy way to drop all the lard while not changing their diet.

Srsly. Man up.

on top of what Triceptaurus wrote, I would recommend buying a treadmill for your living space if you don’t already have one.

pop a movie in and start walking

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Thanks for the on-topic information.

As far as the off-topic goes if I needed constructive criticism on diet or how to workout properly I wouldn’t be in the Steroid section of the forum.

My diet and workout program is perfectly structured to where I feel comfortable using PEDs, my decision to maximize my results by using the aforementioned is my decision and it’s relevant to this section of the forum to seek superior guidance in using it.

That being said, let’s not all fall victim to the constant judgement and topic change everyone seems to attach themselves to in every single thread I read.

A future hypothetical situation as a bonus, the last 15 Clen threads that have been distorted to all hell wouldn’t have existed if there can be a universally accepted way(s) to take the PED.

So lets just get back on the topic of using Clen properly.

If it’s simplified for everyone let’s rephrase this so it can be a
“How to properly utilize Clenbuterol thread”
and not a “Here’s alternative suggestions” or “Am I the right candidate”


[quote]AudiPT wrote:
So lets just get back on the topic of using Clen properly.[/quote]

See above.

. I have first hand experienced living with someone with good and bad thyroid levels. Before taking it I would seriously research it.

[quote]GoCal wrote:
Walkaway you are an idiot for saying it is safe. [/quote]

there is no reason to be upset… I could have called you the same for spreading misinformation but i didn’t…

where did i say that t3 was safe?

actually… come to think of it, im completely fine with YOU calling ME an idiot lol…

you made a mistake, now let’s see if you are man enough to own up to it

I am not sure which one you think is wrong. T3 over clen? Knowing what I know, I would choose clen over T3. Neither would I do during school as a few weeks of bad focus can kill a semester. Long term? I would be more concerned about thyroid function impairment.

On ramping up? T3 I didn’t mention, but what I have looked to on clen, ramping is what is consistently recommended. If you have evidence to the contrary, post it, I am happy to be proven wrong. T3 should be done if getting regular blood tests done too so one can see what is really going on. Plus it is highly catabolic. The OP doesnt sound like he wants to lose muscle. You contradicted yourself in first saying T3 doesnt need to be ramped then saying to ramp it. Huh?!

Just saying I am wrong is insufficient. Show me in pubmed that long term T3 for individuals with healthy thyroid starting does not impair thyroid function.

Long term safety, I would agree with you on T3 over clen, short term I would take clen. Long term T3 is mentioned by Bill Roberts as using only 12.5mcg day. Did you even bother to mention that or duration at far higher dosing? Why even risk it at the low dosage?

Both have been used and safely, but I would be super cautious before doing either.

i said that t3 doesn’t NEED to be ramped… but it is a good idea to ramp it.

you actually made the claim that long-term t3 usage permanently causes thyroid impairment… therefore you bear the burden of proof.

having said that, can we see some studies to support your initial claim?

u should look into what clen does to the heart…