18y/o, 1.70, 65kilos (altho ppl say I look bigger), probably around 15% bodyfat if not more. no abs, no cuts in the legs, no bicep peak, no veins
best lifts:
DL - 130kg (before the vertebra injury, @58kg)
squat - 80kg (very, very weak)
bench - 80kg (weak aswell)
thats about it for the strength
some measurements - chest - 95 (no air, 107-8 spread and with air), waist - 72-5 (depends if stomach is empty or full), arms - 34.5, forearm - 30, legs - 59-61, calfs - 37, neck - 34-5 thats most of em
training - im currently following a 4-day split, monday - arms, tuesday - legs (ya i do squats), thursday - back (no, i dont do deadlifts, got a vertebra injury, which according to the doctor is permanent), friday - chest. its based on those thoughts: if i do arms monday, they would be tired for tuesday, so i moved the legs in tuseday and chest and back in the end of the week.
diet - trying not to eat too much junk, currently taking a UN gainer, got plenty of potatoes, eggs and milk, cant afford meat everyday, i eat a handful of peanuts in between meals, trying to eat 4-5 times a day.
been thinking about cutting in the last few days, but i dont really wanna lose much size, and i really wanna get rid of all the fat on the legs, stomach and maybe arms (and no, im not a beach builder, i dont really go to public pools whatsoever, just want more functionallity)
now the main questions are/plans are:
- doing a clen cycle w/o making any changes to the diet
- doing a clen cycle and reducing carbs only to before workout and after workout
- doing a clen cycle and reducing carbs only to before workout and after workout + adding cardio
4.doing a clen cycle, buying some l-carnitine or any other fatburner + reducing carbs and adding cardio
how would any of these changes affect my bodyfat, muscle and size ?
thanks in advance.