Cleaning Up Diet, Dipping More

Recently I cleaned up my diet alot, and Have been feeling much stronger, and much better. I seem to have been dipping alot more, I was going through a can of grizly wintergreen about every 2-4 days, now If I last a day an a half, if Im lucky. Does/did anyone have this same thing happen to them?

Oh yeah I just bought the new (new in MI) Copenhagen wintergreen, and besides the stupid cardboard can, the stuff is amazing!

[quote]brauny96 wrote:
Recently I cleaned up my diet alot, and Have been feeling much stronger, and much better. I seem to have been dipping alot more, I was going through a can of grizly wintergreen about every 2-4 days, now If I last a day an a half, if Im lucky. Does/did anyone have this same thing happen to them?

Oh yeah I just bought the new (new in MI) Copenhagen wintergreen, and besides the stupid cardboard can, the stuff is amazing! [/quote]

I’m guessing it’s because you’re compensating for food/taste with something that provides flavor/taste, yet isn’t food, so it’s technically not hurting your diet cleaning endeavors. I’m also guessing you already knew that, but just wanted a confirmation. I really doubt that there’s any other direct relation between cleaning up your diet and needing more nicotine or dip or whatever.

Also, dip will fuck your mouth up. Try snus.
It won’t cut open your gums with fiberglass…

[quote]Artem wrote:
Also, dip will fuck your mouth up. Try snus.
It won’t cut open your gums with fiberglass…[/quote]


The fiberglass is the best part.

[quote]Vicomte wrote:
Artem wrote:
Also, dip will fuck your mouth up. Try snus.
It won’t cut open your gums with fiberglass…


The fiberglass is the best part.[/quote]

I don’t use either. But yeah, I bet it’s delicious.

[quote]Artem wrote:
Vicomte wrote:
Artem wrote:
Also, dip will fuck your mouth up. Try snus.
It won’t cut open your gums with fiberglass…


The fiberglass is the best part.

I don’t use either. But yeah, I bet it’s delicious. [/quote]

Oh yes, scrumptious oral cancer…

[quote]brauny96 wrote:

Oh yeah I just bought the new (new in MI) Copenhagen wintergreen, and besides the stupid cardboard can, the stuff is amazing! [/quote]

Cope wintergreen just came out in Texas too, I hear it is delicious. Yall can flame all you want too but I recently got turned on to Cope Whiskey blend. Pretty doggone good if you ask me.

[quote]tommytoughnuts wrote:
brauny96 wrote:

Oh yeah I just bought the new (new in MI) Copenhagen wintergreen, and besides the stupid cardboard can, the stuff is amazing!

Cope wintergreen just came out in Texas too, I hear it is delicious. Yall can flame all you want too but I recently got turned on to Cope Whiskey blend. Pretty doggone good if you ask me. [/quote]

There’s only one place near me that carries Copenhagen and it’s on the other side of town.


[quote]Vicomte wrote:
tommytoughnuts wrote:
brauny96 wrote:

Oh yeah I just bought the new (new in MI) Copenhagen wintergreen, and besides the stupid cardboard can, the stuff is amazing!

Cope wintergreen just came out in Texas too, I hear it is delicious. Yall can flame all you want too but I recently got turned on to Cope Whiskey blend. Pretty doggone good if you ask me.

There’s only one place near me that carries Copenhagen and it’s on the other side of town.


That’s preposterous! Copenhagen is the nectar of the Gods. A man shouldn’t have to drive all the way across town just to snag a can of pure bliss.

[quote]tommytoughnuts wrote:
Vicomte wrote:
tommytoughnuts wrote:
brauny96 wrote:

Oh yeah I just bought the new (new in MI) Copenhagen wintergreen, and besides the stupid cardboard can, the stuff is amazing!

Cope wintergreen just came out in Texas too, I hear it is delicious. Yall can flame all you want too but I recently got turned on to Cope Whiskey blend. Pretty doggone good if you ask me.

There’s only one place near me that carries Copenhagen and it’s on the other side of town.


That’s preposterous! Copenhagen is the nectar of the Gods. A man shouldn’t have to drive all the way across town just to snag a can of pure bliss.


Preach it!

When I’m lazy I end up with Grizzly.

the local 7/11 i buy my dip from will order anything i request knowing ill buy it. Just request it and see if they oblige.

[quote]fighting_fires wrote:
the local 7/11 i buy my dip from will order anything i request knowing ill buy it. Just request it and see if they oblige. [/quote]

The guy that owns the place right down the street has taken an ‘irrational dislike’ to me.

If I was hanging from the edge of a cliff, and all I needed was a fuck to survive, and he had a pocket full of fucks…

[quote]brauny96 wrote:
Recently I cleaned up my diet alot, and Have been feeling much stronger, and much better. I seem to have been dipping alot more, I was going through a can of grizly wintergreen about every 2-4 days, now If I last a day an a half, if Im lucky. Does/did anyone have this same thing happen to them?

Oh yeah I just bought the new (new in MI) Copenhagen wintergreen, and besides the stupid cardboard can, the stuff is amazing! [/quote]

Same here, I have always dipped Skoal long cut straight. To curb cravings dipping works best. Just cant watch a football game or play on the PS3 without a dip. As far as oral cancer, anything in excess will kill you, so if you go through 2-3 cans a day of snuff, you may end up without a jaw. There is a higher rate of stomach cancer however so watch for signs and symptoms of Reflux (major Heartburn).

If you live long enough you will get some form of cancer. I’d bet money on it.

It’s sort of like our built in expiration date. With dip you get to pick your own type of cancer, grabbing the bull by the horns so-to-speak.

Edit: I dip, but I use Skoal mint.

[quote]DJHT wrote:
Same here, I have always dipped Skoal long cut straight. To curb cravings dipping works best. Just cant watch a football game or play on the PS3 without a dip. As far as oral cancer, anything in excess will kill you, so if you go through 2-3 cans a day of snuff, you may end up without a jaw. There is a higher rate of stomach cancer however so watch for signs and symptoms of Reflux (major Heartburn).[/quote]

Aw hell. I’ve had a long history of acid reflux (since elementary school) and I dip.


[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
If you live long enough you will get some form of cancer. I’d bet money on it.

It’s sort of like our built in expiration date. With dip you get to pick your own type of cancer, grabbing the bull by the horns so-to-speak.

Edit: I dip, but I use Skoal mint. [/quote]

aw man, don’t you get bored of mint, I chewed grizzly mint and skoal mint for a couple years, and it just got boring to me, anything with wintergreen is amazingg. I do have a dislike to skoal, all their chew has a flavor to it that i dont like, and Im too cheap. I honestly am not scared of cancer, because Im going to die of something anyways…and I have heartburn about once every 3 months.

I’m buying a log of grizzly wintergreen and a tin of snus tomorrow so I can dip ALL day lol

[quote]Vicomte wrote:
fighting_fires wrote:
the local 7/11 i buy my dip from will order anything i request knowing ill buy it. Just request it and see if they oblige.

The guy that owns the place right down the street has taken an ‘irrational dislike’ to me.

If I was hanging from the edge of a cliff, and all I needed was a fuck to survive, and he had a pocket full of fucks…[/quote]

hahaha sorry to hear that lol.

as far as flavors with cope i like straight or whiskey (havent tried wintergreen), grizzle straight, skoal- spearmint (the best), mint, wintergreen. I also have a good friend whos dad works for skoal so i will also dip whatever he brings me. Every couple of months hell give me a couple logs which is awesome!

[quote]fighting_fires wrote:
Vicomte wrote:
fighting_fires wrote:
the local 7/11 i buy my dip from will order anything i request knowing ill buy it. Just request it and see if they oblige.

The guy that owns the place right down the street has taken an ‘irrational dislike’ to me.

If I was hanging from the edge of a cliff, and all I needed was a fuck to survive, and he had a pocket full of fucks…

hahaha sorry to hear that lol.

as far as flavors with cope i like straight or whiskey (havent tried wintergreen), grizzle straight, skoal- spearmint (the best), mint, wintergreen. I also have a good friend whos dad works for skoal so i will also dip whatever he brings me. Every couple of months hell give me a couple logs which is awesome! [/quote]

I have great envy of you, I had a friend in the reserve and could get me logs off base. Loved that time was a whole hell of a lot cheaper than buying it from circle K.

Dipping is definately an appetite suppressant. Minus the fact that nicotine diminshes appetite i keep my lips in for at least an hour at a time, flippin it, and just relaxing. Nothing like a nice lipper. Sucks when you are trying to eat big.

They just started selling that cope wintergreen hear in NY too. Im right outside NYC so dipping is not that big here but I am glad i can get it because it is ridiculously good. Before that I always threw skoal mint long cut exclusively. All those crazy flavors lost their taste within 30 minutes. I never really messed with cope because they usually sell fine cut and its too much of a hassle IMO. But this new wintergreen is good and it only costs $3 for now.

BTW Snus sucks.

I used to love copenhagen…from like age 17 to 35 I went through a can a day pretty much…then…my workouts started to really suck…couldn’t catch my breath…then…my dick wasn’t nearly as hard as it should be…this lasted for about 6 months before I said, ‘self…maybe you need to quite chewing that shit’…

once I did…everything in life worked better…it’s been about 4 years…I get cravings still and I konw no one will take my advice, but that shit is bad for you…yeah, we’re all gonna die sooner or later, but I think later is better and if you’ve seen someone with stomach cancer, you’d pick a different type…

Anyway…sorry to rain on the parade…let the celebration of all things snuffy continue!

[quote]sen say wrote:
I used to love copenhagen…from like age 17 to 35 I went through a can a day pretty much…then…my workouts started to really suck…couldn’t catch my breath…then…my dick wasn’t nearly as hard as it should be…this lasted for about 6 months before I said, ‘self…maybe you need to quite chewing that shit’…

once I did…everything in life worked better…it’s been about 4 years…I get cravings still and I konw no one will take my advice, but that shit is bad for you…yeah, we’re all gonna die sooner or later, but I think later is better and if you’ve seen someone with stomach cancer, you’d pick a different type…

Anyway…sorry to rain on the parade…let the celebration of all things snuffy continue![/quote]

You are living proof of the point I was trying to make. I have been dipping since I was 13, but I limit myself to one can a week. When I am treating patients this is the point I try to make. “You put a cup of bleach in the wash to make your clothes white, if you put 6 cups of bleach it will burn holes in your clothes. Moderation. Especially on things that can Kill You.”