If primo is a class I roid are there any class II’s that are not toxic to the liver?
anadrol…no just kidding…
All the class II’s I can think of are oral and do have liver toxicity.
For 6 weeks this should be okay provided you are in good health.
TAPS from thorne is a good liver health supplement if you are looking for something like a liver protector.
Actually 4 androstendiol is a class II with no liver issues. 4 ADEC may still be around on some websites… I still have androsol which has it. How old is that stuff???
Testosterone exibits both class 1 and 2 properties. other than this, I can not of any others.
Thanks guys.
What about a cycle like this:
Front load 800mg of EQ Day 1.
40mg anavar in the am or 40mg dbol divided ED (I have both) with 600mg EQ per week for 5 weeks then swith to 600mg primo for 4 more weeks to give time for the natural T to restart.
If this sounds good, would I need to frontload the primo? How would I incorporate HCG and Clomid in this cycle so when I come off the primo my test is back full strength and no gyno?
P-22 please respond to this one. Thanks.
EQ and dbol is not the most advisable stack because the two drugs both influence the ammount of space the red blood cells take up in the blood (the hematocrit value i believe). This can lead to some pounding headaches. I’ve done dbol and EQ at the dosages you’re suggesting, but i did get some headaches and found that i had nosebleeds a lot. I would likely not do it again.
I am not experienced with anavar, but it might be better advised than dbol for the above reason. I would wait for more of an expert to weigh in on this.
There are several opinions on how to use HCG, but the one that has been getting a lot of credence lately is the weekend protocol. Begin by taking 250-500iu HCG on the third saturday and sunday of the cycle. Continue taking 250-500iu every saturday and sunday to the end of the main part of the cycle (excluding your primo bridge i would say). If you are using clomid 50mg/day should be sufficient as anti-estrogen for the cycle. During PCT, two weeks of 100mg/day then two weeks of 50mg/day should recover test. Nolvadex is often regarded as a better choice than clomid however.
With your bridge, i would say that 600mg/week primo might be too much. 400 or even 300 should be good. Remember, you’re just trying to remain anabolic enough to hold on to your gains, with no furthering of supression, however dosing is really up to you. Frontload it at 2x your weekly dose in the last week of your cycle, and you should be golden.
I’ll weigh in on this one: I like your thinking with using the equipoise first, and then switching to primo while the eq slowly runs out of your system, It could take as long as 2 months. I think you should be fine with equipoise and dbol provided you keep your dbol dose at safe low levels. So do your eq for 5 weeks and then switch to the primo, The latest info I have read at bodybuilding.com, says that dbol actually lowers hematacrit! which is contrary to what I have read in the past. I personally have found that I got pounding headaches while taking the two as a combo. Without getting into dosages because of times sake, it may be a good idea to begin for the first 2-3 weeks using dbol and anavar with the eq. This will allow you to begin making gains while your eq blood levels get up to speed. You can reduce your dossages of dbol after week 3 and halt your anavar intake. continue the dbol into the primo cycle, and save the rest of your anavar for cycles end. It is very minimally suppressive, and like primo can be used as a bridge. During cycle use clomid as your ancillary if that is what you have. you can also use it post cycle for pct.