I finally found a doc who prescribed me test to take at home instead of going into a clinic each week for IM shots.
My old schedule was every 6-8 days of 250mg of test cyp with AI and hcg as needed.
My new protocol will be 100mg x2 a week (Sunday and Thursday?) and now I want to try sub q but the vial specifically says " for intramuscular use only". Does this matter?
I’m also having trouble finding needles without prescription…my doc never gave me the option for sub q and the needles/syringes at walgreens will be over $30 for 10 weeks worth.
I did eventually find 1cc insulin syringes with 29g 1/2 needle for very cheap…but will these draw up the test cyp ok? If so can I pre-load a bunch and store them somewhere safe?
That’s a bit high of a dose honestly…most guys run around 100mg/wk, divided into two doses. I use Monday and Thursday (so that’s 50mg on Monday, and 50mg on Thursday). The 29g insulin pins are what I use, it just takes a few minutes for it to load up. I wouldn’t preload a bunch, it only takes a few minutes to draw one up. All the test I’ve seen says IM only, so don’t worry.
Thx catfish…I started out around 100mg in 9/12 at a clinic but my levels didn’t really come up until they approached the 250mg level. I admit that I got comfortable didn’t object to the increases even tho I was feeling decent with T levels that weren’t high according to their “standards”. I’m pretty active between my job and workout schedule and I always have had a faster metabolism…the doc thinks I metabolize T faster than others. I’m not sure how much truth there is to that…
My new protocol will be 100mg x2 a week (Sunday and Thursday?) and now I want to try sub q but the vial specifically says " for intramuscular use only". Does this matter?
I’m also having trouble finding needles without prescription…my doc never gave me the option for sub q and the needles/syringes at walgreens will be over $30 for 10 weeks worth.
I see how that is confusing. Is really should also say “Not for intravenous injection”. I don’t do the SQ thing, the jury is still out on it for TRT. As previously mentioned .5cc is a lot to load SQ and would take forever to draw. I use a 20 or 21 G needle to draw and switch it to a 25 G since I’m so inpatient.
As for your problem finding needles, they can be purchased at any pharmacy counter without a script. But if you would like to keep the cost down, buy them on line. Compared to the pharmacy, on line will save you up to 50%. Just make sure you like the protocol you are using and get a box.
Yeah .5 is going to probably leave a bump, neglected to note the dose. I do .30 twice a week (for 120mg/wk). There’s been some reports of folks metabolizing T “fast”, so there could be something there. You might want to check your E2; getting it in check can lead to a lower dose of T being effective.
You can fill an insulin syringe from the back after drawing with a large gauge syringe. This takes only a few seconds as opposed to minutes. But you should only do this if you know how to properly maintain sterility, which I am a little busy to describe in detail now.
You can also do painless IM injections with insulin syringes if you choose the correct spot.
Catfish - my old clinic checked my E2 every 5 weeks and it was always around 20. I had one spike a year ago but Arimedex (.25mg twice a week) brought down. My levels have been good since. My new doc is ok with me injecting but doesn’t seem thrilled with me using arimedex. I may contact my old clinic and see if they can help me out if I need an AI.
I really want to inject twice a week with a lower dose…I was getting one 250mg IM shot every 6-8 days. My new urologist wrote the script for 200 x1 a week. My old levels were 700-800 at the end of the week…other lab values looked good and I felt good.
Seekonk- I’m a paramedic…so I’m familiar with the entire injection thing. My basic issue is…how do I break up 100mg into bi-weekly injections without constantly sticking myself with larger bore needles?
One other issue/question. I started getting weird rashes under my eye and my cheeks get red on occasion. My dermatologist said it was just “rosacea”. But I’m thinking it may be from the test. I notice it more a few days after my injection…then it usually clears up. The doc at the clinic thought it may be from arimedex but I’ve been off that awhile now and it is still a issue. There does not seem to be any correlation with diet/lifestyle either. I’m wondering if I’m having a reaction to the cottonseed oil or if my levels are too high a few days after my injection and that is causing an underlying condition(rosacea) to be worse.
Using the insulin pins will eliminate the frequent big needle pins/potential for muscle damage over time. You’ll likely “feel” better with the more frequent, smaller injections. These yield a much more stable level of T over the course of a week, with fewer “peaks and valleys”.