Christmas Wishes and Thoughts

Christmas–that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance–a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved. For centuries men have kept an appointment with Christmas. Christmas means fellowship, feasting, giving and receiving, a time of good cheer, home.

Until one feels the spirit of Christmas, there is no Christmas. All else is outward display-so much tinsel and decorations. For it isn’t the holly, it isn’t the snow. It isn’t the tree not the firelight’s glow. It’s the warmth that comes to the hearts of men when the Christmas spirit returns again." Christmas is thought of as having a good time. A kind, forgiving, generous, pleasant time, a time when men and women seem to open their hearts freely, and so do I say HAPPY CHRISTMAS !

To the gentleman who dislikes Christmas, take heed that there is no ideal Christmas; only the one Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values, desires, affections, traditions. For now your not happy but someday you will re-learn what Christmas is all about. For me the best of all gifts around any Christmas tree or otherwise is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other, THAT is the true value of Christmas for no matter where family go during the year, most will make a HUGE effort to get home.

For Christmas is not an eternal event at all, but a piece of one’s home that one carries in one’s heart when you are away from home. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given–when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes.

There’s nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child, to those that have been blessed with them enjoy the face that literally glows long may it last Especially (Rainjack) who along with his wife sold their own plasma so their kids could feel the warmth and joy of his special season.

Christmas is a time to expand our giving encompassing the friendless and needy … near and far. Christmas is sharing, besides that Christmas is the time for looking ahead courageously through the gates of the swiftly approaching new year … of resolving that the coming months will reflect a kinder, more forgiving and less heedless person than mirrored in the past

For those, unable to get home or without a family just remember that your not alone at never alone at all. And that, of course, is the message of Christmas. We are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the word seemingly most indifferent. Call round to a friend, ring a family member whom up till now you had no dealings with as Christmas brings with it the spirit of forgiveness. And as one famous gentleman said An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. M.K. Ghandi

In closing, Christmas has been taking a battering for a while, people are so caught up with the commercialism of it, that they seem to forget what sitting down to a Christmas Dinner with people you love and care and don?t see often. THAT?S my spirit of Christmas and I sincerely hope all of you can and will experience the joy of what Christmas has to offer.

Yours merrily.
300 and above.

Also, should anyone have time to spare while busy with this festive season please spare a thought for those in hospital and ill… and leave this man and his child a message.