Chris: Your “Diet Manifesto” is a classic that not only got me thinking about diet and it’s importance to overall fitness goals, but has also provided a starting place for many beginners. Periodically, you will reply to a thread (like you did recently), with a comment like “There is no “ideal” split”. That made me think; is there any chance that you can come up with a “Workout Manifesto?”
I was actually thinking about this exact same thing today. It could be done, but it would be tough to put a rating system on it the way I did with the Diet Manifesto. I mean, we’ve written about a couple of diets that have turned out to be duds (the Warrior Diet and Protein Cycling for example didn’t pan out for most people), but I can’t think of any dud training programs. I mean, if a certain program doesn’t work, it’s probably because of other factors, a nonsupportive diet being the main one. The only “dud” training program I can think of is “The One Day Arm Cure.” Based on reader feedback, it just didn’t work for at least half of the people who used it. But did they eat right as Poliquin recommended, did they take measures to insure recovery, did they use the supplements he suggested? See what I mean? It’s hard to judge. Still, that’s a good idea and would at least serve as a nice summary of the programs we’ve offered to date. Might need to be a two or three parter to cover them all.
I’ll think about it. I appreciate the suggestion. The T-mag writers get a lot of ideas from this forum, even if they don’t respond. For example, if you’re a keen forum user, you may remember someone (whopper maybe?) asking for a simpleton’s guide to Ian King. It took a few weeks, but that suggestion became the “Ian King Cheat Sheets.”
BTW, TC’s “Little Black Book” article is sort of like a training manifesto. (Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION)
His “Codex” is good too: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION
Chris: I think going through all the various programs and “rating” them based on goals would be a very valuable part of any “Manifesto”. However…I think that looking at some “basics” that would be neccessary for ANY successful program would be real cool…much like you listed some diet “truths” prior to looking at the individual diets in the “Diet Manifesto”…Mufasa
Sounds cool to me. I’ll put it on my ‘to do’ list. It’s #45, but it’ll get done eventually!
I shouldn’t mention it, since doing so
will probably cause Chris to nag me
to actually do it, but I was thinking
yesterday of actually writing an article
on a training system somewhat different
than anything I’ve seen before and how
it integrates with cycles using androgens
(whether Androsol or pharmaceutical steroids.)
Basically it differs from others by
recognizing that most of the time you
don’t grow, and achieves growth by
planned occasional bursts of targeted
bodyparts. It’s what I’m doing myself
now but I haven’t been having anyone
else do it, which is a disadvantage
so far as having an article. Maybe I will
just be a lazy bastard and do it as a post
on the forum… it can be summed up short
enough to do that.
I always try to ramp ump my training, usually either in workouts per week, sets weight used or something like that when on androsol for the two weeks. I only seem to grow in ‘chunks’ so tha approach you outlined seems ideal to my goals - any advice you could post on a proper intergrated training programme would be greatly appreciated.
I think that would be a great article. Forget posting it. Write the article. If Chris Shurbert nags you bitch slap his walnut cracking ass. Just fuckin with ya Chris. However still hope to see the article.
Yes, sounds great Bill! Another thing I would like to see is, what does your typical diet look like (both cutting and bulking)?