Chris' blog :)

here’s the golden nugget:

“You should have to pay for two seats on an airplane. In fact, if I have to sit beside you, you should pay for mine too because I have to sit there and look at your arm flab hanging off the armrest into my lap! Fuck me, you owe me money for the therapy I’ll need because of that plane ride!”

haha… too true. luckily, this doesn’t happen to me often (knock on wood).

Here’s the keeper:

“Genetics? Maybe genetics loaded the gun, but you pulled the fucking trigger and reloaded twice.”

LOL, Don’t you all love the fact that obesity in the United States has now been declared a disease? I think it’s awesome that when someone can’t control the urge to wrap their twinkies in a taco shell and cover it with cheese, we will all help to pay the medical bill to have them removed from the couch! Yippee for health insurance!!


I would like to thank you for delivering that wonderful blog piece. Everyday as I see those lardasses waddle around the planet wasting oxygen that could be used by productive people I wish for a 7lb sledgehammer and a small army of cannibals to feed.

Personally, I come from a family corpulent individuals but I’ll be goddamned if I’ll let them succumb to their sedentary lifestyles. We have the genetics to become fat IF WE WASTE OUR FUCKING LIVES SITTING ON OUR ASSES. You know what? Endomorphic people can move some serious weight in the pursuit of muscletone.

Fuck the mASSes… be elite.

[quote]Jonnyel wrote:
LOL, Don’t you all love the fact that obesity in the United States has now been declared a disease? [/quote]

How is it a disease to 10,000 calories for breakfast alone and then ride around on an electric scooter like a disabled person.

i used to live in florida back in '96… man, coming from europe, i was shocked to see allt he obese people. just wondering how they could become like that. well, this epidemic is slowly becoming a pandemic, and you can see signs of this all across the globe. it’s pretty sad actually, but what can you do? just be happy and stay in shape :slight_smile: