Hi all,
HOT-ROX is not sold at GNC here in Vancouver, according to the girl at the counter (who didnt even know what it was). So my question is, since I had chosen HOT-ROX and now am unable to purchase it(I dont want to order online), what other fat burner is a suitable substitute? Any suggestions?
Thanks for the suggestions. I am considering one of the bigger brand names) starts with an H, ends with cut)…is all the glitz and glamour the product has received deserving? Is it better than the products that have been recommended above?
Well I guess I could order online, I just thought I’d end up paying a lot more because I’d have to get it shipped from the States to here, and from what I can tell, in order to get the gold card price at GNC (which I have) i’d have to purchase another card online to get the savings as there is no place to punch in the card number. Am I wrong?
So I thought overall I’d save a bit of money if I just got another fat burner at my local store rather than paying extra money for shipping fees.
Hey dude. Why are you shopping at GNC in the first place? That place blows and they’re overpriced. I know I’ve seen HOT-ROX at Reflex. There’s two locations I know of. Theres one right near the Canadian Tire on Burrard and 1st. The other one is on Boundary off Broadway. Reflex is the best place by far. Look it up.
Thanks man, looked Reflex up, and they do indeed have HOT-ROX. A little pricey though. Going to do a little more research then purchase over the weekend.
While I have not tried the other burners mentioned here, I am currently taking HOT-ROX Extreme, and it…well, ROX. You can’t go wrong with this supplement, IMO.
I do know people who have/are using H…cut, with little to no added fat loss. A couple of the guys have spot on diets, and when cutting, normally shed about 1-2lbs of fat a week. They had told me that they were not impressed, and pending my results on HOT-ROX, were probably switching when the time came. Just a little extra thought.
I lost 30 lbs on H…cut Hardcore, so for me it did work great. Lipo 6 sucked I had 2 bottles and it did nothing. I’m on my second bottle of HOT-ROX right now and It seems like its doing a good job but we’ll see in a month.
I decided to go with HOT-ROX after all, found a Canadian store with a website and purchased it online for cheaper than instore, even with shipping. Thanks again for everyone’s suggestions. And for the people who do you HOT-ROX, how many do you take each day?
[quote]VanCity19 wrote:
I decided to go with HOT-ROX after all, found a Canadian store with a website and purchased it online for cheaper than instore, even with shipping. Thanks again for everyone’s suggestions. And for the people who do you HOT-ROX, how many do you take each day?[/quote]
Well the max dose on the extreme is 2 pills twice a day. Check out the HOT-ROX Extreme thread here on T-Nation
Follow the directions on the bottle. For the first day, take one cap, twice a day. This is to make sure your body can handle a strong supplement. Then, if everything is ok, you can up the dose to two caps, twice a day (NO more than 4 caps in a 24 hour period).
I usually take my first two at 5:30am, one hour before I eat breakfast. Then, take the second two about 45 minutes before my lunch. Seems to be working great. Good luck.